Chapter [13] Halloween

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Chapter Thirteen:

"Whoa. Someone went all out for Halloween." Jonah chuckled once he saw me in my costume.

"I'm a perfectionist." I teased. "Where is Bonnie anyway?" I asked as I threw on a black fleece jacket. I was going as Sandy Olsson from the movie, Grease. With the help of Chase who pitched the idea of course.

"She said that she was on her way over here, she had to redo her makeup." Jonah rolled his eyes.

I sat on my bed. Jonah walked over and pulled my desk chair in front of me and sighed. "So, just between us." He said in a playful manner. "Are you bummed that Skylor blew you off for that chick?" He looked at me sincerely. I couldn't let him think that I was so hung over because of some guy that I didn't even know really.

"What? No. Jonah. I'm fine." I waved my hand. He gave me a knowing look so I sighed and looked at him once more. "I don't care. Honest." I nodded.

He gave me one more glance but didn't push the subject which I silently thanked him for. "Whatever you say."

"Oh my gosh! This is gonna be so fun!" Bonnie shrieked as she saw all of the different people coming in and out of the building where the party was.

"Okay so if anyone asks, you two are my cousins. I don't want to mess up any hook ups tonight because of you two." Jonah patted us both on the back.

"I thought you were with Tori? Remember. The girl you took to homecoming?" I acknowledged.

"Oh yeah. Well we're sort of on and off again. It's complicated." He stated then left us in the front.

Me and Bonnie walked in and immediately spotted a ton of people from school there. Everyone looked like they were having a pretty good time. There was a huge dance floor, strobe lights, everything.

"Do you want to dance?" I practically yelled at Bonnie, hoping she'd hear me over the loud music blasting.

She nodded. "Yeah, Jonah totally shouldn't have worn those pants." She yelled back.

I laughed. "I said do you want to dance?"

She laughed too. "Oh yeah, let's go."

It was song after song playing. There were dance lines and black lights going on and off. It was really fun. I was glad I came out. Me and Bonnie were having the time of our lives to be honest. Jonah was with us for a little while until he left with Tori. I guess their relationship was on tonight.

Bret met up with us and him and Bonnie were still dancing. I went over to get myself something to drink.

"Ivy is that you?" Jason dramatically rubbed his eyes.

"Wow, you look pretty hot." Crawford commented. "But not as hot as me though." He smirked.

"Nice costume." Chase had a smug look on his face.

"Well thanks for all the beautiful comments." I laughed. I looked at their costumes. Crawford was a pirate, Chase was a vampire, and Jason was Troy Bolton from high school musical. It was hilarious seeing those guys dress up.

I glanced around for a second. "Looking for someone?" Crawford raised his eyebrow.

"What? No." I shook my head.

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