Chapter [35] Shook

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Chapter Thirty-Five:

"What?" He asked.

I pointed at the picture of me when I was at summer camp. "That's me."

"You're lying." He said.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my instagram account to show him one of my throwback pictures and sure enough I had a similar one of myself at camp, without Skylor of course.

He examined the screen, his mouth slightly agape. "Well I'll be." He ran his hand through his hair. "So you mean to tell me that we actually knew each-other before we met?" He furrowed his brows.

"It looks that way." I nodded. "Pictures don't lie." I waved the phone in his face.

He ended up taking that too, but when doing so it only pulled me closer to him. There was a silence for a moment. We were in the exact same position as before when he tried to kiss me. He cleared his throat a little and gave me back my phone. "This is weird. I would've never known that you were the girl from that picture. I guess that's why it felt like I'd known you the first time I saw you. "

"You mean the first time you threatened to beat up my best friend." I giggled, thinking about what happened almost a year ago.

Skylor laughed too. "Yeah. Sorry about that by the way."

*Phone rings*

"Yo." Skylor causally answered his phone.

The phone call was short. He was only replying with "unhu" and "okay" the entire time and after several seconds the call was over.

"So my dorm is ready." He put his phone his pocket.

I gasped. "That's exciting." I stood up. "You know what, I'm gonna just go home and let you get everything together."

He followed me up and grabbed my arm gently. "It's fine I don't mind."

I didn't want to leave him but I felt I had to otherwise I would be getting myself caught up in something like I was earlier.

"No, really. I have to get going. I promised Bonnie and Jonah I'd show them Central Park." Gosh I was a terrible liar.

"Oh." He said almost inaudibly.

I saw how his expression faltered and I didn't want to leave him feeling some type of way so I told him to make sure to invite me to his dorm warming party. Yeah it sounded so lame when I said it but it got him smiling again.

My mom made us all lunch before Bonnie and Jonah were set to leave. I really didn't want them to. It felt like they were only here for two days but yet it's been two weeks.

"Please don't go" I clutched both of them together.

"Still. Can't. Breathe." Jonah coughed.

I released them both. "Sorry."

They were both in a grade ahead of me and were starting at UCLA in the fall. It just seemed like time flew by and everyone is splitting up. I couldn't help it because I didn't know when's the next time I'd see them again.

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