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"Oh my gosh. I can't find my tassel!" Meredith panicked as she waved her hands dramatically.

We were gathered outside the back hall of the auditorium. Today was the big day.


I looked at Meredith and told her to calm down. I pulled the tassel that was bunched up at the top of her cap and pulled it downwards, reassuring her everything will go as planned. "See, nothing to worry about." I laughed.

She let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Okay everyone, let's get into place." Our headmistress ordered. We had to form lines based on our last names. Meredith was in the front because her last name is Bischoff and then of course mine, Rivers, so I was near the back.

I can't deny the fact that I was nervous, because I was. I just didn't expect myself to become as emotionally attached to this school even though I've only been here for a year and a half.

As the music began to play, the graduating seniors walked out accordingly and we took our seats in the front. Everyone in the auditorium were either clapping or taking pictures.

As the ceremony went on, I couldn't help but glance around to see where my family and friends were sitting. I eventually found them. I had the biggest grin on my face. My family sat right next to Meredith's. I saw Bonnie, Jonah, Skylor, Chase, Jason, Crawford, Clay, and Aaron next to them, all seated together. Brett couldn't make it because he was out of the states but he face-timed me a few days ago congratulating me. I felt happy that everyone came out to see me and Meredith graduate.

One by one the headmistress called our names. Soon enough it was my row's turn to get up to walk towards the stage. I wasn't that nervous before but now, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I'm actually graduating high school.

Prior to the ceremony the people were told not to cheer if the student they knew walked across the stage. Earlier when Meredith's name was called, everyone in our family's section cheered. It was hilarious.

Headmistress finally got to my name. "Ivy Marie Rivers." She called. A loud cheer erupted from the crowd. I glanced briefly and saw Jason, Chase, and Crawford quickly take their shirt off and I saw "I, V, and Y." They had painted one letter of my name on each of their chests. I was trying to contain my laugh so I could walk across the stage calmly. When the headmistress handed me my diploma I heard more cheers so I couldn't help but grin as wide as I could.

"There she is!" My dad said, opening his arms wide. I went and gave him and my mom a hug.

We were outside of the school and everyone who came to see me and Meredith were in one area. We all took pictures and talked for a while. It was an amazing moment to be honest.

"I can't believe you guys came." I smiled, hugging Bonnie and Jonah.

Bonnie scoffed playfully. "Would not have missed this for the world, my dear."

"What she said." Jonah chimed in.

I was looking around for the boys. "Have you seen them?" I asked Bonnie and Jonah.

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