Chapter [20] Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

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Chapter Twenty:

"We're...moving?" I sighed, feeling a sudden jolt of shock, my mouth slightly agape.

"Yes, sweetheart." My dad sat in front of me on the rigid table. He placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. "I'm sorry to have to put you through this Ivy, leaving your friends here and going to a completely new place, but I can't pass up an offer like this." Sincerity dripped from his voice, he gave a weak smile as he rubbed my shoulder.

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't necessarily comprehend all the information my parent's were giving me about this because my mind was in complete forethought. I didn't want to leave. I liked it here. I liked my school, my friends. I had made so many good friends here. Jonah, Bonnie, Brett. They were practically my family too.

"When would we be leaving?" Morgan asked calmly.

"Well it would be during the holiday break so that way you girls could start the next semester at a new school." My dad explained.

I thought about today at lunch. How we all decided to go skiing in Aspen for the holiday break with all of our families. How we would just enjoy the time being together. But now, all that's changed.

Because I'm leaving.

"New York, huh?" Morgan smirked as she tapped her chin patiently. "I'm in." She grinned.

"I-I need a minute." I abruptly got up and walked out of the living room into the foyer. I grabbed my bag and keys. I walked to my car and placed the key into the ignition and started it up. I didn't have a specific location in mind to go. All I wanted to do was drive, it really was the key to setting my mind at ease.

I found myself entering a local park. It wasn't your typical slide, swings, merry go round park. Instead there was a museum near the end, a beautiful big pond, a bridge, long sidewalks, and beautiful green grasslands.

I took a walk near the pond, detailing the sights of nature. Birds chirping. The ducks frolicking behind one another as little kids threw crumbles of bread out into the water.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I mumbled as I bumped into a tall figure.


"Chase? What are you doing here?" I found myself asking.

He pointed his thumb towards the back of the park. "Dropping Chandler off at the museum with his friends. What are you doing here all alone?"

"I was just uh, looking...for pokemon." I replied.

"Oh really? What level are you on?" He noticed my fabrication.

I exhaled. "Fine. I just needed some time alone to think that's all."

"Do you want tell your old pal Chase here what's the problem?" He tilted his head, raising his eyebrows.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Oh come on." He causally slung his arm around my shoulder. "Let's have a little bit of girl talk shall we. What is on this little mind of yours, eh?" He looked down at me with a glimpse a curiosity in his eyes.

"I don't know where to start." I said as we approached the bridge. I sat down on one of the stone pillared squares as Chase followed suit.

"Well I've got all day to hear it." He told me.

I looked down as I awkwardly played with my hands. "It's my family, we're moving soon and-"

"What!" Chase exclaimed. "You're moving? You can't move."

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