Chapter [26] Oh Boy(s)

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Chapter Twenty Six:

Hmm. That's very peculiar. Not that I cared or anything, I really didn't; but curiosity has always been my imperfection.

I decided to leave it alone because I didn't really know them to be in their business, but I swore I could've felt the subtle hints or sly looks I'd get from Clay. Oh well. I retreated back to my bed and snuggled under my comfy blanket. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber. There was even a small smile on my face, knowing that tomorrow is Saturday meaning no school or preplanned morning affairs. I could sleep until noon.

The next morning when I woke up, I turned and stretched, grabbing my phone and immediately checking my notifications. Okay this is kind of surprising. I had ten unread text messages (I'm in a group chat with Jonah and Bonnie), the others were from Meredith and Morgan, but that's not the weird part. I had an unheard voicemail...

I sat straight up, tapping my fingers behind my phone case wondering if I should click on it just yet. The caller ID  said it was placed last night at midnight. I decided to call it back. I placed my phone near my here to listen.

You have one unheard voicemail from...Chase Daniels.


Are you kidding me. I rolled over to the other side of my bed to get my charger and plug my phone in. There's no way Chase would've called me at midnight if it wasn't something important.

I decided since usually it takes my phone a gazillion hours to charge up then maybe I'd do something productive in the mean time. I went in the bathroom and took a shower and washed my hair. I usually let my hair air dry, but I decided to blow dry it and brush through it since I didn't want to wet hair going outside in the freezing temperature.

I was in the process of tying the laces of my sweatpants when I heard my phone ringing. I slid the answer button over  and answered it. "Hey Meredith, what's up?"

"Hey, I need your advice on something. Do you mind coming over for a little?" She asked, I noticed her tone was a little vague, but I told her I'd be over in five minutes to which she made content.

When I went into the kitchen, I overheard my mom and dad talking about my birthday plans. "I think a range rover would be an acceptable birthday present." I joked, sitting next to my dad  near the island.

"Ah, she's awake." He chuckled as he embraced me and kissed my forehead.

"A range rover sounds nice." My mom nodded in awe. I marveled at her sudden sense of acceptance. "Too bad you're not getting one."

My smile turned into a thin line. I didn't take it to heart because we always joked around. "But please, I don't want anything special. A nice dinner would be good enough for me."

"I'll make sure to write that down." My mom laughed. "Are you going somewhere?" She asked, glancing at my heavy jacket.

"Oh yeah. Meredith wanted to me to come over for a little bit. And I told her I'd be there." I checked my phone. "Five minutes ago." I hopped off the tall chair and told my parents I'd be back later.

I locked my front door and walked down the hallway. I rang the doorbell on the side of Meredith's door and stood there for a few seconds.

"Hey girl hey." She waved. "Come on in." She beckoned. "Okay so I'm freaking out right now." She fanned her arms in front of her while we rushed up the stairs.

"What happened?" I replied, trying to catch up to her. When we finally got to her room, I presumed. She fell across her bed, her head sunk in her pillow.

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