Chapter [37] Want You Back

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Chapter Thirty-Seven:

"Ivy?" He said.

I snapped out of my thoughts. When he called my name I realized how deep of a trance I was in. "Yeah?" I looked at him.

"Did you hear what I just said?" He asked me. He looked me in the eyes dearly, his hands were placed on each of my shoulders.

I nodded. "Yeah. I did." I stayed silent for a little while, trying to avoid eye contact with him. Even when I did look at him it wouldn't be for much long. He pulled himself back from me. He stuffed both his hands in his pockets, muttering. "I-I'm sorry." He coughed awkwardly, "I shouldn't have said that."

I could feel the pain pervading from him through his body language. His cheeks tented red and his voice was scratchy. I wanted to say something but the words in my head weren't forming coherent sentences and my heart felt like I had reached deep impact. It was then when I saw him walking away from me did I start to realize what was going on.

The guy I like seriously just told me he loved me. And here I am complaining to myself in my head without even trying to reply to him.

I realized how stupid I would be to let something like this get away. I've been pushing him away all this time, when it's been fate bringing us back. I ran down the hall and as he was about to get into the elevator, I yelled his name.

"Skylor!" I called.

He turned around and looked my way.

"Don't you want to know what I have to say?" I smiled.

A grin appeared on his face. He quickly walked towards me and it seemed like the longest walk I've ever seen. But once were we only inches apart did I have the courage to say.

"I love you too, Skylor."

His grin became much more wider and he engulfed me into a hug. I pressed my head in the crevasse of his neck. He smelled of really good cologne that'll make you want to drown in it. I hugged him tightly, not ever wanting to let go. But he did let go, only to lean in closer to me. His thumb softly stroked my cheek. He ran his fingers alongside my jaw until he crept his way under my chin and tilted it up.

He kissed me gently.

I felt like I was the only girl in the world. I felt loved. I felt wanted. I felt a warmth over my entire body. A warmth that you can only get from a special kind of person.

"Shut up! Really?" Bonnie screamed in excitement. "That's so cute, Ivy. See I always knew he had a thing for you."

I laughed. "I just can't believe this is happening. Who would've thought ya know?"

Bonnie laughed. "I think we all thought. But hey, everything happens for a reason."

I nodded, "Agreed. So when do you move into your dorm?"

"In a few weeks. I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm gonna be a freshman in college this year. Can you believe it's been a whole year since we were in high school? Those were the good days."

I couldn't help but to think back to my times as a junior last year in California. "Exactly. Remember when Jonah asked that girl to homecoming and we had to put all those sticky notes on her car?" I giggled.

Bonnie started laughing too. "Oh my goodness, I remember that." She placed her hand over her forehead. "What a headache that was."

"And now I'm gonna be a senior this year. By myself, well Meredith too but, it's gonna be so lonely now that everyone is going to college." I pouted.

Bonnie immediately shut the the thought of me being lonely down. "No way Ivy, you are too amazing of a person to feel lonely. Your senior year is going to be the best year ever and you're gonna make new friends, go to prom, and then graduate which is gonna be the best day of your life. You got this!"

"Your positivity really is on point today." I smiled.

I heard my mom call my name from downstairs. "Ivy, someone is here to see you."

I told Bonnie I'd call her back and ended our facetime call. I walked downstairs and saw Chase standing in my living room. It's not that I wasn't happy to see him, just surprised. I could tell something was off by his body language. He was slouching and his hair was in all kinds of directions. When he looked at me, I saw sadness in his eyes. I didn't want to ask him what was wrong, because if I did I would have a breakdown from whatever news he'd give me.

He knew I didn't want to ask what was wrong so he said it. "Skylor's in the hospital. He was in car accident earlier, and it was pretty bad. He's in the intensive care unit." His head dropped. And at that time so did my heart. I couldn't believe what I just heard. It felt like a ton of bricks fell on me. I cupped my face with my hands. The tears started falling and they kept falling. My mom rushed towards me and immediately took me into her arms. "Is-is he gonna be alright?" I sniffled.

He shook his head. "I don't know. I'm about to go to the hospital now."

"I'm going with you." I said.



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