Chapter [31] Hide Me (Again)

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Chapter Thirty-One:

(Three Months Later)




"Oh my God, Clay will you stop that?" I muttered in annoyance.

"What? I have to see if a chemical change will happen." He shrugged, continuing to drip some kind of solution onto a metal bike rack.

I shook my head, but then let out a small laugh at the scene in front of me. "Why would you wait until the last second to start on your project anyways?"

He stopped what he was doing and stepped a little closer to me, a playful smirk tugged the corner of his mouth. "Because I've been pretty busy with my beautiful girlfriend for the past couple of months." He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

Me and Clay are pretty much official now and have been for the past two months. We dated for a few weeks and then he asked if I wanted to make things more exclusive and I said yeah. Meredith was so overhyped when she found out about it.

The last day of school for us is next Friday and as I have been told, the school takes select juniors and seniors who are interested to tour NYU right before the end of the school year. NYU has always been at the top of my college list because of the film program there and that's what I want to study in. Clay and Aaron practically already have their free passes to Duke on basketball scholarships, so only Meredith and I would be going.

"Are you sure you want to go to Duke?" I tapped my chin playfully.

"I'll probably have to make an exception." He grinned, the sunlight hit his blue eyes as they glistened.

The next morning I woke up in anticipation for my college tour. We were told to get to school an hour earlier than usual so that there could be a student count and all that.

After showering, I towel dried my hair and ran the flat iron through it so it wouldn't look too frizzy, then I put on my uniform. I couldn't even eat breakfast because I was so anxious to go see the college. I know, i'm only a junior and I have another year but it's still better than being at my own school.

The campus at NYU was amazing. It was a large campus, but at the same time there were small coffee shops and cafe's near by which gave it a small town feeling. The main theatre hall was where the beginning of the tour would start mainly to give current students and alumni a chance to talk to us more in depth about the school and what it has to offer.

We were all told to sit in our assigned sections in the auditorium and Meredith and me managed to sit next to eachother because I didn't really know anyone else that much.

"Oh wow, he's pretty hot." Meredith whispered whenever current students would walk up to the podium to talk about the college.

An hour had passed and everyone was finished speaking. We separated into groups because the official tour would begin soon. There were about fifteen to twenty students in our group. It was a mix of different students so that we could meet new people, but me and Meredith somehow ended up in the same group.

Within two hours we managed to tour the dorms, classrooms, study halls, and recreation center. The students there seemed pretty chill and to themselves which is basically how I am too so I felt like this school was a really nice fit for me personally.

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