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Chapter Thirty-Six:

Ivy POV:

I stood in front of her. My mouth visibly agape. "Whaaaat?" I exaggerated.

"Shh." She quickly put her hand over my mouth. Once she took it down she glanced in the hallway, silently closing her door.

"I can't believe this!" I whispered. "How are you feeling about this? And with Aaron? Oh wow, Clay is gonna freak!" I shook my head.

"He's not going to freak because he's not going to find out okay?" She said sternly. "I don't know if i'm actually pregnant but I'm late on my period and I've been feeling completely nauseated lately. All of this beginning to happen after me and him you know, hooked up." She caressed her stomach with both hands.

Wow. So this is all happening at once. Meredith may be pregnant, Clay and I broke up, and Skylor is somewhere around New York city doing God knows what. Things are getting out of control.

"Well is there anything you need me to do?" I asked.

She nodded. She placed her hands on my shoulders. "If you're my friend, you'll go to the pharmacy and get me a pregnancy test. Please. I'm dying over here."

I know this is sad but I've always been really sappy when it comes to stuff like this. Sometimes I'd end up getting my mom or Morgan to go inside the store to get stuff for me because they don't care at all. Lord knows how awkward I get every time I go to pick up feminine products. I mean I know I shouldn't be shy or anything because it's all natural and every girl has to deal with it, but still. I can't help it.

I shivered at the thought of that. Meredith could definitely tell how I felt about it due to my body language. But I set my timidity to the side because I know that this is very important to Mere and I'm a good friend and this is something good friend's do.

"Sure, i'll do it." I nodded.

Could you believe that there were hardly any people at the pharmacy today. I didn't even see the old creepy guy at the register. Sometimes I feel like I work myself up a little much.

Meredith told me the exact kind of test she wanted. It was basically the one that'll give you a yes or no because she said the lines are too complicated for her. I didn't feel like walking around with just a plastic bag and a pregnancy test in it so I just put it in my purse.

As I was walking, I spotted some deserts in the window of one of my favorite cafe's. I contemplated on whether or not I should go directly to Meredith's or treat myself for being so dependable today.

I came to the conclusion that an extra ten minutes wouldn't hurt. I walked inside the small cafe, the bell chimed as I entered the doorway. I ordered a red velvet cupcake and a few macaroons. Those things taste like heaven in your mouth. Meredith loves them too so I picked her up a couple. I paid the cashier and exited the building. As soon as I walked outside I heard an array of honking coming from one direction. It caught my attention so I looked at the taxi cab across the street and a person scurrying out of the way from it whilst giving the middle finger to the taxi driver.


Is that who I think it is.

Yep. It's Jason.

I crossed the street to follow him so that I can speak but he went inside the hotel too quickly. When I got in front of it I realized that it was the one Skylor was staying at. I don't think he would still be there since he moved into his dorm but I didn't want to seem intrusive if he was there. I thought to myself that I'd eventually see them again soon and I really needed to get back to Mere so I didn't go in.

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