Chapter [21] Say It Ain't So

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Chapter Twenty-One:

"Damnit!" Skylor mumbled as the picture fell.

"How'd you get this." I picked it up, fanning it off.

"I- uh, I don't know how that got in here." He stuttered, trying to oppress the mortified expression on his face.

I pondered for a second. "Oh well, you wouldn't mind if I keep it then." I looked serious, but I was trying really hard not to laugh.

He exhaled in annoyance. "Just give it." He signaled with his hand.

I held it back. "Not until you tell me why you have it."

"I told you I don't know." He lied.

He wasn't fooling me one bit. I knew when we were both at school that he was looking at it for a while with an indecipherable look on his face, but I didn't think he'd actually take it. "Why'd you take it?" I questioned.

"What is this, twenty questions?" He rolled his eyes.

"Yes. Now spill." I folded my arms.

He sighed. "Fine. I like it. And I just wanted to have it." He walked to his bed, grabbing his basketball, throwing it in the air.

"I don't understand you." I shook my head.

Was this the same guy who fanned me off when Cassie came to the grille? Was this the same guy who said that he loved her and didn't want anything to do with me? But then again. I didn't see any pictures of Cassie around his room.

I'm being petty, I know.

"I don't understand myself sometimes. Ivy, I know that I've done a lot of dumb things to you and I just wanted to tell you that, I um.." He paused, placing the basketball on the side of him. He scratched the back of his head. "I'm...."

"Sorry for being a nonsensical know it all jackass who doesn't consider the sentiments of others and who makes people's lives miserable just by being near them?"

He looked almost appalled at my sudden diction. "You know, you shouldn't really talk about yourself like that." He smirked. "But I accept your apology."

I gave him a pointed look which made him chuckle a little under his breath. He ran his hand through his hair. "Fine. Yes, I'm sorry." He actually sounded sincere. "I'm really sorry." He reiterated.

Is this some sort of alternate reality? Because I just think Skylor just apologized to me.

"I didn't know you were capable of apologies." I rolled my eyes.

"That's only seldom. Don't think you're getting another one anytime soon." He continued throwing the basketball.

"Fair enough." I held my hands up.

There was a short silence between us and I saw the time on his wall clock read '7:04'. I really should be getting home by now. "Well I'm just gonna go now." I turned around to leave but Skylor called my name.

"Yeah?" I turned back so that I was facing him again. He had stood up, his tall body hovered over mine. "Can you stay for a little while longer?"

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