Bonus Chapter: Prom

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Bonus Chapter:

11:00 am

"Woah." I looked over my shoulder. "This place is getting crowded." I looked back over at Meredith, my hands under the dryer.

She looked in disbelief. "Right. Good thing we got here earlier."

There were groups and groups of girls and guys coming into the nail salon. It was prom day at many other schools as well as ours. First on our to do list today was to get our nails done. I sat patiently, however would ever so often take a glance at my cranberry colored nails.

Meredith had more of an amber color on her nails.

We woke up super early this morning to get ready for prom tonight. Prom starts at seven thirty pm but no one ever gets there on time so we were planning to leave like thirty minutes after.

After getting our nails did, the next thing on the list was hair. There was so much traffic out today so fortunately for us, we preplanned all of our appointments in the mall so we didn't have to keep going out due to overbooking.

The hair salon was near the nail shop so it didn't take us long before we got there. I got my hair shampooed, deep conditioned, and blow dried. The hairstyle I wanted was just a lose wave style so when the stylist was done using the flatiron to curl my hair, she pinned it up so that when I was ready to take it down, my hair would keep the curls. Meredith was doing a pin straight hairstyle which was cute.

We didn't make any appointments for our makeup because we're both really good at doing our own.

"Ugh." Meredith sighed.

"Whats wrong?" I looked at her with concern.

She was texting on her phone while we were walking through the food court. "My date won't be here in time to take me to prom."

I gasped. "Jeez, that sucks. But he'll still be here afterwords right? We're all going out to eat." I said

"He said he'll try to get here before it ends." She said as she put her phone in her back pocket.

"Hopefully he does." I said. "You know you can ride with me and Skylor right?" I suggested.

She thanked me for the notion but reassured me it was completely fine and she would go a little early to help with the senior walk.

7:50 pm

I looked at myself in the mirror, applying a coat of lip gloss on. I teased my hair a little and posed like I was on the cover of vogue.

I swear I'm not a narcissist.

I turned to Morgan who was sitting on my bed. Her chin rested on top of both her hands that were propped on the edge of my bed frame. "So how do I look?"

I was wearing a long red dress and my hair was down in loose waves. I didn't want to do the Cinderella sort of dress for prom because I honestly think the simplistic look is just as beautiful.

"Skylor's not gonna know what hit him." She teased.

"Oh stop." I joked.

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