Chapter [39] Interesting

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Chapter Thirty-Nine:

It's been three weeks since Skylor was discharged from the hospital and so far he's been getting a lot better each day. The only thing he was wearing was a knee brace on his left leg because of surgery due to an MCL tear. Me and him have been getting really close these past few weeks. If I wasn't at his dorm then I was at home texting, calling, or facetiming him. He didn't mind my lingering at all. I mean it's not that I was intrusive, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

My parents and Morgan went over to his dorm to check on him shortly after he left the hospital. My mom made him a ton of food, even though he said he didn't really have much of an appetite, Chase and the boys made sure everything was eaten. I promised my parents I'd take Morgan back to school shopping today since the new school year starts in a couple of weeks.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I peeped in Morgan's room.

She was stuffing a lot of clothes in her closet. "Yeah, almost."

That girl lives like a pig. She stuffs a ton of clothes into her closet instead of just folding them up and putting them in the drawers. That's why I ended up getting my own room when we were growing up. Because we're the polar opposites when it comes to space.

"Meredith is coming with us." I commented. Morgan said okay and continued kicking shoes under her bed. She finally grabbed her purse and we left.

I usually don't go school shopping for myself until after the first day so that way the teachers give me a list of things I know I need to buy.

We were at Target and Morgan was throwing almost everything in our cart. To my benefit, she went to the clothing section and started looking at jackets.

"Hey, so Clay's having a going away party at the house. Are you coming?" Meredith asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

It was crazy how much time had flown by. To be honest I was kind of sad knowing that Aaron and Clay were leaving for college.

"I can't believe we're gonna be seniors this year." Meredith sat down on a small bench near the shoe section.

I sat next to her. "Yeah, and then college."

"I'm more than likely gonna cry when we graduate." Meredith giggled.

That made me laugh. I told her I would too. Just thinking about it makes me a little anxious about how college is going to be, but I wasn't rushing anything.

As we sat, she told me how Clay leaves in a week to move into his dorm at Duke. "So pretty much the only time I'll see him is Thanksgiving and Christmas break." Meredith mentioned.

"You're gonna miss him aren't you?" I asked.

She quickly scoffed. "Oh no. I'm using his room as extra closet space."

We gave each other a look and immediately burst into laughter.

Morgan charged towards us. She was completely perplexed. "You will never believe who I just saw!" She uttered.

Me and Meredith got up from the bench. "Who?" We said simultaneously.

"Jojo Siwa!" She exaggerated.

Meredith's mouth dropped. "Shut up."

Morgan shook her head dramatically. "I am not lying." She showed us her phone. She took a selfie with him. "See." She smirked.

"Well I am just shooketh." I muttered. "Why didn't you tell us?"

She shrugged. "She was leaving and I didn't want to miss this perfect selfie so."

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