Chapter [6] My Flat Tire

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Chapter Six:

"So who was that tool?" Brett asked as he picked through his lasagna with his fork.

"The typical bad boy of the school." I didn't hesitate as I put air quotes surrounding the word 'bad boy'.

"What's his problem with me?" He asked.

"Honestly, I couldn't tell you." I shrugged.

Brett shook his head as he picked at his food once more. " I guess."

"Hey Sky, who's this?" Bonnie asked as she sat across from me, looking at Brett who was next to me.

"Oh, this is Brett. Brett this is my friend, Bonnie." I smiled as I introduced the two. The two exchanged 'nice to meet yous' and it wasn't before I caught a glimpse of Brett giving Bonnie "the look" which she simply reciprocated. I stared at the two in silence for a couple of seconds until I decided to break up their little moment.

"So Bonnie, Brett here was just telling me that he's going to try out for the football team." I glanced at Brett. "Brett, Bonnie is on the cheerleading team." I gave her a dramatic wink.

"Oh really?" He looked surprised.

"That is indeed true." She replied.

"That's cool. Maybe you can show me around the athletics department sometime." He grinned at Bonnie.

She blushed a little but quickly tried to cover it with her facade of mere confidence. "I'll see what I can do."

"What's up guys?" Jonah sat next to Bonnie.

"Hey." I smiled. "This is Brett, he's new here."

"Oh cool. Jonah." Jonah said as he reached his hand across the table towards Brett.

He shook Jonah's hand.

"Where you from?" Jonah asked as he chucked one of his fries in his mouth.

"Long Island." Brett replied.

"Sweet." Jonah gave a short nod.

Jonah and Brett continued talking, but I peeped how he and Bonnie would keep giving eachother flirtatious looks the whole time.

After lunch me and Brett had another class together so we walked to class.

"So." I grinned as I nudged his shoulder.

"So?" He repeated, completely oblivious to my inference.

I gave him a pointed look. "Maybe you can show me around the athletics department sometime." I changed my voice so that it could sound deeper as I tried to imitate him from earlier.

His face turned a slight red and he cleared his throat. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh I think you do."

"So what. I may be a little smitten by her." He shrugged.

"Oh my God." I stopped in my tracks, causing him to follow suit.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"Did you really just say smitten? We're in high school for Pete's sakes, no one says smitten." I stated.

"I'll stop saying smitten when you stop saying for Pete's sakes." He replied.

I lifted my hands. "Fair."

"So, is she and Jonah, you know?" He edged.

"What?" I glanced at him then back towards the narrow hall.

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