Chapter [33] Reunions

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Chapter Thirty-Three:

I blew my nose in a Kleenex and wiped a few tears that fell down the sides of my cheek. Meredith and Morgan sat adjacent to me on my bed and were bawling in tears.

"I can't believe this." Meredith sniffled. "That was so emotional."

I continued wiping my cheek. "It was. I'm crying tears of joy. Sort of."

She nodded, clutching a tissue against her nose. "I will probably never get over this."

We had just finished the very last episode of the vampire diaries and our emotions were all over the place. I can't believe it's over. "This will always remain a significant part of my life." Morgan declared.

School had been out one week already for summer break, yet me and Meredith managed to finished the last two seasons on netflix during that period. Morgan was already finished with the series but came in my room to rewatch the finale with us.

The doorbell rang, but my mom and dad were here. I only heard it ring once which meant one of them answered it.

"So Ivy, you never told us about your double date." Morgan nudged my elbow, wiggling her brows.

I laughed. "There's nothing to tell. It was pretty decent I guess. Skylor's date talked a lot though."

"So were Clay and Skylor cool with eachother?" Meredith asked.

I turned my hand sideways, gesturing that it was half and half. "I mean Clay doesn't necessarily know about me and Skylor per say. And besides Clay left early because he had to pick Aaron up."

Meredith frowned for a second. "Wait. Pick Aaron up?" She asked, looking very puzzled at my previous statement.

I nodded. "Yeah. He said something about Aaron's car battery dying."

"Hmmph." She sighed. "That's weird."

Morgan chipped in. "Why would that be weird?" She asked.

"Because Aaron was with me. We were at the bowling alley all night with some friends." Meredith informed us.

I asked her if she was sure it was the night of the date and she told me it was because that's why they made plans in the first place since me and Clay were already gonna be busy.

As soon as I was about to say something, my mom called me from downstairs.

"Ivy. Come down here, it's important!" My mom said. I yelled okay and gathered myself off my bed. Morgan and Meredith followed me downstairs.

"Yeah mom?" I said.

She had a huge grin on her face and I gave her a weird look. I didn't know what was going on. "Go look in the living room." She pointed.

I furrowed my eyebrows but she kept grinning and gave me a reassuring gesture. I slowly walked towards the living room and peeped my head around. When I saw, I jumped in excitement and yelled at the top of my lungs. "Bonnie! Jonah!" I gasped, running towards them.

They both had huge grins on their faces and I engulfed them both in hugs. "I can't believe this." I stepped back. "How? When? What?" I smiled, hugging them both again. "I've missed you guys so much!"

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