Chapter [27] What in Tarotnation

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:

"I'm in love with the shape of you

we push and pull like a magnet do

although my heart is falling to,

I'm in love with your body...

Come on be my baby, come on."

I hummed along to the music blasting through my earphones as I painted my nails. Once I was done I made sure to fan them. Sure there was a little excess polish around my nail bids but at least it'd peel off by school tomorrow.

I haven't mustered up the courage to call Chase back because honestly I didn't know how to play it off. I was contemplating on whether or not I should confront him about what I heard or to just leave it alone and act like nothing happened. It was getting a little weird. The idea of not even calling him back did come across my mind but that would be rude.

I'll call him eventually.

"Ivy. Meredith's here." My mom called.

I told her I would be out in a minute. Meredith and I decided to go to the mall so that I could get a little more acclimated to the scene around here.

"Hey Meredith." I said as I took my coat off the hanger.

"What's up." She smiled.

"I'll be back before dinner, mom." I yelled.

I heard her yell 'okay' from the kitchen.

We walked through the mall, passing stores, food courts, arcades, but then there was a place that apparently caught Meredith's attention. It was a palm reading area. We walked in and saw a small asian woman sitting behind her table reading tarots. There were several people in there.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I gave Mere and incredulous look.

She shrugged. "Why not. And besides, I have to know if my teammate has something going on with my boyfriend."

We waited in the small, cramped setting for about ten minutes until it was Meredith's turn. I went with her for ya know, moral support. She sat down and the lady told Meredith to pick a card, to which she picked the hermit. The lady said it represented that what was in the dark finally seeing the light. And then she took Meredith's hand in her own.

She exhaled. "I want to know if my boyfriend is cheating on me."

Without any hesitation the old woman replied with a short "jes." She had a really thick accent.

"Really?" Meredith was taken back a little.

"Oi with volleyball girl. She on yo team." The woman nodded.

Meredith gasped. "I knew it. Just wait until I get to practice tomorrow." She folded her arms, shaking her head.

"I read you next." She beckoned me to sit down.

I really didn't intend on having my palm read, so I tried to avoid it as much as possible. "Oh no, I'm fine." I smiled nervously.

"Oh come on, live a little bit." Meredith laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I sat down at her table and when she asked me to pull a card from the deck I did as she asked and she turned it over.

"Hmm. You pick the love card."

Oh how ironic. The love card, being that I lack experience or any kind of discerning factor into who I have been liking these past few months. I gave her my my hand when she indicated it was time for her to do the reading and she asked me when did I have my first kiss.

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