Chapter [30] Roses

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Chapter Thirty:

"Ugh, your parents had a surprise birthday party for you? I wish we could've came." Bonnie whined as her and Jonah sat adjacent to eachother. It looked like they were at a café

I was at a starbucks and decided to facetime Bonnie on my Iphone and fortunately Jonah was with her. I missed my friends so much and facetiming was as close as I could get to seeing them. "Yeah I know. It was pretty amazing. Chase and Chandler were there and they met some of my new friends from school."

"That sounds nice. What are you doing?" Jonah asked.

I switched my front camera to the back so that they could see my laptop and then switched it back around. "I'm buying clothes offline."

Jonah placed his thumb and index finger between his chin and cheek. "Are you actually buying stuff 'online' or 'offline'? Just let that sink in."

I actually couldn't help but laugh at his remark. It took me back to all of the random conversations we had during lunch at school. The sarcasm, food tossing, etc. "So. What's Skylor been up to?" I found myself asking.

They exchanged comedic looks and then their attention went back to me.

"What?" I shrugged. "I'm just curious."

Jonah shook his head. "Well if you must know, homeboy got suspended last week for fighting."

"Why am I not surprised." I cupped my cheek, my elbow resting on the small table. "And how's Brett, Bonnie? I miss him."

Brett and Bonnie have been together for almost four months. I've seen that she's been posting a ton of pictures of them on her instagram, but I haven't heard from him since I left.

"Oh he's fine. We've been going out a lot more lately, oh how about one time we were at the docks and he-" She was interrupted.

"Bore us some other time, will ya Bon?" Jonah rolled his eyes, to which Bonnie slapped his shoulder. He didn't react to it at all.

"Wait. Is that Chase in the background?" Bonnie squinted her eyes.

I turned around to see if it was really him. Sure enough there he was standing, ordering. I quickly turned around and nodded. "It is him." I whispered.

"Well I'll be. Chase Daniels goes to Starbucks." Jonah burst into fits of laughter at his own comment.

"Hey, I'll talk to you guys later okay?"

"Later!" They waved.

I exited from the app and put my phone in my pocket. I turned around to see if Chase was still there and he was. "Chase!" I called, waving my hand. It didn't take him long to recognize me.

"Ivy, what's up?" He sat next to me with his cup.

I closed my laptop and put it in my backpack so that there would be more space on the table. "I didn't know you liked Starbucks." I laughed.

"Oh, I don't." He chuckled. "I caught a cold and my mom figured it out when I called her and told me to get some hot chocolate, so." He raised his cup.

There was a moment of silence after that. But it wasn't an awkward one though. In the back of my mind, I knew that I needed some form of closure or clarification as to what that voicemail was about he left on my phone and if maybe what that tarot lady said was true.

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