Chapter [9] Homecoming

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Chapter Nine:

"Oh come on, Ivy. You have to go! I mean, who wouldn't want to go to their own school's homecoming dance?" Bonnie spoke frantically as she beckoned Jonah to come sit down at the lunch table, hoping he could possibly coincide with her.

"What's the deal, Bon?" He sat his tray down and slid on the bench beside her.

"Please tell our dear friend that she has to go to the homecoming dance." She tried her best to convince Jonah that I should go.

"I think Ivy should do whatever she wants. If she doesn't want to then it's her own free will and personal decision." He shrugged as he took a bite of his hamburger and sat it down.

Me and Bonnie both looked at Jonah, raising our eyebrows.

I wasn't expecting even him to say that. Usually he's the one hounding me about attending social events.

"I'm sorry. It's just. I've been trying to throw hints out at Tori about the homecoming dance and it's like she doesn't even pay attention to it." He began picking through his fruit salad.

"Hints? Like what?" I asked.

"You know, just whenever we talk I bring up how cool homecoming is gonna be." He replied.

"Seriously?" I gave him a pointed look. "She's not going to automatically assume that you're asking her just by bringing it up. If you want her attention, do something that will assure it and her response will definitely be yes." I finished.

After basking in what I had just told him, a smug smirk formed on his face. "I have an idea." He looked at both me and Bonnie.

"This is not how I imagined spending my time after school." I huffed as me and Bonnie sorted through different boxes of sticky notes.

"You're the one who said I needed to do something visible." He replied.

"I didn't mean having me and Bonnie as your personal laborers." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on you guys love me." He grinned.

Bonnie, Jonah, and I were currently outside in the school's parking lot covering Tori's back windshield of her car in sticky notes so that it read Homecoming. Well at least me and Bonnie were while Jonah claimed to be supervising.

"There!" Bonnie chirped as she put the last sticky on the car. "We're done." Bonnie looked over the car, "Tori is gonna hate this."

"If she does, I'll offer to clean it off if she goes to homecoming with me."

Bonnie informed us that she had texted Tori and she said that she was on her way outside.

I smiled. "Oh my gosh this is going to be so cute. Hopefully."

We both stood adjacent to Jonah, but he looked at us funny.

"What?" We said in unison.

"Leave?" He did his hand in a weird gesture.

We made him think we left when in reality we just hid behind her car, well, behind her front bumper. "There she is!" I shrieked which caused Bonnie to jump a little.

Tori walked from the back doors towards the parking lot on her phone. When she had gotten closer to her car she realized what it said and slowly put her phone down and looked at Jonah with a surprised look on her face. He stood there with a bouquet of flowers. "So. Would you like to go to homecoming with me?" I heard Jonah say.

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