Chapter [23] The Last Day

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Chapter Twenty-Three:

Skylor Cruise is kissing me.

And it felt...


He towered over me, his hands roamed around my waist. I pulled both my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair. We moved in perfect sync. The kiss lasted a little under ten seconds. It was getting pretty heated so I pulled away, almost out of breath.

I exhaled. "What was that for?" I ran my finger over my bottom lip.

He smirked. "I've been wanting to do that for a very long time." He licked his lips.

We found ourselves in a small silence.

Skylor cleared his throat. " you leave tomorrow?"

I nodded.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then, huh." He stuffed his hands in his pants pockets.

"I guess so." I pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Who knows, maybe we would've had a decent friendship if you stayed." He chuckled.

I smiled. "Yeah, decent." I playfully rolled my eyes.

You know, if Cassie had never came back then who knows where me and Skylor would've stood. What if we would've actually gotten together? Then this move would've been just as bad. Or maybe, just maybe me moving is for the best.

"We'll meet again one day, Ivy." Skylor said.

Jonah, Bonnie, Brett, and me were all hanging out having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. It was a very bittersweet moment because in two weeks I would officially become the new girl again without any of my best friends.

"I say we all meet up for spring break." I suggested.

"Of course." Brett held his glass up and cheered.

Jonah asked the first person he saw walking by if they could take our picture.

"Sure." A woman said.

We all huddled together and took a normal photo. Well from where I was sitting it looked like it was. But when I looked at it, Jonah was in front of me posing with his tongue out and I was behind him which made it look like he was licking my face. It was hilarious.

"Awww, I'm gonna miss you guys." I forcefully pulled all of them together giving them a bear hug.

"Ivy, I love you so much. Please, make me the happiest guy in the world and be my wife." Ian Somerholder bent down on one knee, opening a small box.

"Yes, Ian. I would love to-"

"Ivy! Wake up." Morgan screeched, thus ruining my dream.

I mumbled, digging my head into the pillow. "Five more minutes."

"We're leaving for the airport in one hour." She poked my back a few times.

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