Chapter [22] School's Out

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

I stared blankly at a picture of Bonnie, Jonah, and me as we huddled in for a selfie at one of the football games from months ago. A single tear rolled down the side of my face. I didn't want to be a pansy and cry about moving because it's not like this is my first time, but it's just my first time moving away from people I actually like.

"Ivy, Morgan. Are you almost done packing?" My dad called from downstairs.

"Almost!"I replied. In all honesty I was no where near finished. Morgan, however managed to load her entire room in as little as two hours. I can't help it, I procrastinate.

Our flight is scheduled to leave Saturday morning, so basically today is my last day to pack and then tomorrow I have school which is the last day before holiday break. In two weeks I'll officially start my second semester at a new school in New York. I don't know why I've been acting so gloomy about it. I mean it is New York.

A couple of hours had past and I was almost done packing. My parents called us down because we were going out to eat tonight.

"Dad, where are we going to eat?" I asked as I slung my bad across my shoulder.

"We're going to The Cruise." My dad  tugged at the seams of his tie through the mirror.


It was seven pm when we arrived at the restaurant. Morgan and I talked while we waited in the lobby to be seated.

There were a decent amount of people ahead of us, however I noticed one couple in particular who stood out a little. Cassie and her new boyfriend. It was a pretty bitchy thing to do since it was her ex's parents' place, but since I worked here before I knew that they only showed up every blue moon. But whatever, it's the principle of the matter.

Why do you even care?


"Rivers, party of four!" The hostess called, signalling us to follow her to our booth.

I haven't stepped foot in this place since I quit. That's probably why it looks so hectic now.

"My name is Danni and I'll be your server tonight." The waitress smiled as she placed napkins and silverware on our table.

"May I start you off with something to drink?" She took out a small notepad.

"I'll take the Watermelon sugar lemonade." I told her.

"Coke." Morgan said.

My parents both got sweet teas

"Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks." She smiled

I skimmed through the menu in front of me and contemplated on what I wanted to eat. There was a wide variety of burgers, wings, etc. I just chose the basic chicken tenders and fries.

"So are we excited about the move this weekend?" My dad furrowed his eyebrows as he glanced from me to Morgan.

"You never told us what part of New York. Or is it New York City?" I asked.

"Manhattan." He answered. "It's gonna be lovely dear, I promise you'll like it. You both will be going to Lockwood Academy. It's very prestigious."

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