Chapter [4] I Stole A Harley

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Chapter Four:

"Hey Morgan, what are you doing?" I asked.

I have a little sister, Morgan and she's fifteen. She's a sophomore in high school but she doesn't go to my school, she goes to a technology school which is basically a school for smart students and not us regular folk.

"Reading a story on wattpad." She shrugged as she ate her cereal.

"Which one this time?" I asked.

"The Bad Boy's Girl. I love it." She scrolled on her phone.

"That doesn't sound interesting at all." I got an orange juice out of the fridge.

"It's the most interesting thing in my life right now." She commented.

I laughed a little at her sly remark.

"No! Cole, why!" She practically yelled which made me jump a little.

This happens all the time. She gets so intertwined in these books her commentary gets louder by the second. "Oh my. Can you please stop doing that?" I groaned.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes.

I released a sigh. "Thank Go-"

"Tessa you take him back or I swear!" She fiddled with her phone again.

I jumped a little again at her sudden outburst. "That's it. I'm leaving." I hopped off the counter and grabbed my keys.

"Sorry!" I heard Morgan yell when I was halfway out the door.

I walked to my car and unlocked it. I put the keys in and started it up when yet another light blinked on the dashboard.

Fuel light.

I completely forgot to get gas yesterday.

I went back inside and asked my mom if she could take me to school. She said she would so I waited a little bit for her to finish getting ready. When she was, Morgan and I walked to her car.

The whole car ride was full of loud remarks from Morgan about her book and my mom humming to old music on the radio.

Fortunately, she took me to school first.

"I'll see you later!" She called from the window.

"Later mom." I waved.

Hours and class periods had passed. I was on a mission to confront Skylor for what his friends had done the day before. Obviously he was the one behind this. I couldn't wait to get to history class and when I did, I spotted him at his desk doing the usual, nothing. So I walked up to him.

"Next time. Tell Harry and Lloyd to stay away from me." I said.

"What are you talking about?" He squinted his eyes a little.

I folded my arms and scoffed. "Crawford and Jason. They locked me in a classroom yesterday and I had to get out through a tiny window."

Skylor stared at me for a moment. Then he laughed. "Really? Damn I wish I could've seen that." He gave a sly grin.

"It's not funny. It's rude." I said sternly.

"And where was this energy when I got shampoo'd with ice cream in front of the entire cafeteria?" He leaned back in his chair.

I shook my head and went to my desk.

After school, I went to the library to work on my paper. I stayed for an hour and a half and finally finished it. It wasn't too dark outside so I thought I'd better get going since I was walking. Ten minutes into my walk I saw a few guys standing around so I decided to take a detour but one of them started talking to me

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