Chapter [5] Hide Me from the Bad Boy

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Chapter Five:

"What!" I whispered yelled at Jonah. "He can't be here."

"Well we better do something." Jonah looked through the blinds, then glanced back at me.

"Like what, there's nothing we can do." Bonnie stated.

I sighed. "Just..hide me."

"Okay. Well let's go-" Bonnie was cut off when we stopped hearing the banging from the door.

We all exchanged incredulous looks.

But then I heard something.

I heard something rattle in the kitchen.

"Um, Ivy ...Who else is in your h-house?" Bonnie stuttered.

"No one. My mom left an hour ago out the kitchen door-" I paused when I realized something so deplorable.

"That I forgot to lock." I slowly drew out.

We all turned our heads slowly in the direction of the kitchen and my heart stopped. There they were. In my kitchen.

He glared at me whilst I stayed glued to my spot until I heard Jonah's voice.

"Ivy." Jonah said.


I took off up the stairs and heard foot steps behind me. I pushed my legs farther and farther until I got into the first room which was  Morgan's. I slammed the door shut and when I tried to lock it, I forgot she broke it. So I quickly thought on my feet and ran in her bathroom and locked it. I stood behind the door and released a deep breath. I heard the footsteps on the other side of the door and saw that someone tried to twist the nob. But then it went still.

I slowly glanced over to the other side of the bathroom and to my dismay, my life couldn't have gotten any worse. Because right ahead of me was the other door that connected both our rooms, and Jason standing in that doorway.

One half of the duo who locked me into an empty classroom.

"Now, Sky. I know you could've thought of a better hiding spot than this." He gave a fake pout.

I stepped back a little.

"Any last words?" He sent a malicious grin towards me as he came closer.

"That's gonna hurt." I said.

"What." He was confused. So I kicked him in the...ya know.

Then, his face was

I quickly pushed past him and ran towards the door in my room, I fumbled threw my old trunk and picked up my old tennis racket for protection.

I turned around and Jason was gone from the bathroom. I stopped and sighed. That's when I saw him waddle through my door. I let out a small shriek but decided to just run. He couldn't catch me.

I ran downstairs to save Jonah and Bonnie and heard Jason yell in the background. "You won't get away with this you brat!" He yelled.

I was running past the foot of the steps and turned my head towards him.

"You'll never take me alive!" I evilly laughed.

I turned my head back and saw a black surface and collided with it. I fell on the floor. Several seconds later, I slowly opened my eyes and saw Skylor, Jason, Crawford, and Chase standing in front of me.

I slowly rubbed the temples of my forehead and grumbled annoyingly. "Am i in hell."

"Not yet. Now. Go get the bike." He demanded.

"Where is Jonah and Bonnie?" I asked as I was getting up. I saw Chase try to walk where I was to help me but Skylor quickly put his arm out in front of him which made him stop.

"Where. Is. My. Bike?" He wasn't caving in anytime soon.

Skylor and I had a long stare down until I gave in. "Fine. Follow me." I walked through the back door where they all followed suit. I put in the passcode and the garage door opened showing Skylor's motorcycle.

He gave his friends a nod and they left. He got on his bike and turned it on. The motor roared to life as he played with the brake levers.

"Where are my friends?" I asked warily.

"You'll find them. Eventually." He took off on his bike.

I closed the garage door and ran back inside the house, locking everything this time. I went back into the living room and no one was in there.

I started hearing muffled noises. I stopped for a second to see where they could have been coming from. I walked to various areas until I came to a stop in front of the coat closet.

There was a tall door stop underneath the knob that prevented the door from opening.

I quickly removed it and Jonah and Bonnie both fell out of the closet.

"Really? You let them lock you in a closet?" I folded my arms.

"Dude they outnumbered us." Jonah said as he dusted himself off. "You're getting an iPad Air for Christmas by the way." He finished.

"Sweet." I smiled.

"Did they do anything to you?" Bonnie asked as she got up herself.

"Only annoy me more than they already have." I closed the closet door and plopped on the couch.

The next morning, Skylor waltzed his way into class and stopped at my desk. "Well, if it isn't little miss Swiper. I think you're asking to be on my bad side aren't you?" He let a small laugh escape his mouth and walked to his desk.

I let his remark go. I was so over him. I was flipping through my binder when I heard someone ask me was the seat next to me taken. I looked up and saw a guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and slender. "No one is sitting here."

He smiled and sat next to me. The class was set up, two chairs to a table and at first it was just me until now.

"Are you new here?" I found myself asking.

He nodded. "Yeah. I am." He smiled.

"Me too. Kinda" I returned the smile.

"Brett." He gave me his hand.

"Ivy." I put my hand in his and shook it.

We talked throughout the whole period when Mr. Danforth was teaching. He would make me laugh every now and then causing our teacher to give us the "settle down" look.

My pen had dropped behind my seat so I turned around to pick it up. But what was really weird was the glare Skylor was sending me. It was pretty weird but I shrugged it off and turned around and continued talking to Brett.

When class ended we both got up and walked out. I asked if he could wait with me at my locker so that I could show him where the cafeteria was.

"I've never seen a locker so organized." Brett stood beside me, chuckling.

"I'm a neat person." I laughed. "Okay, so that's the last book. Now we can head to-" I was interrupted when Brett was suddenly shouldered by Skylor. He was with his friends.

"Watch where you're going." He spat.

"What the hell is your problem man!" Brett regained his balance, looking directly at Skylor.

Skylor stopped, turned around and glared at Brett. "I don't think I have a problem." All of Skylor's boys were right there beside him, but Brett didn't back down. It was pretty intense.

"Come on. You don't have to explain yourself to him." I said to Brett.

Now Skylor's focus was directed at me. "So you're on his side now?"

"I'm not on anyone's side. Just leave us alone." I tugged on Brett's arm. "Let's go."

It was almost like he didn't want to see me with him.



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