3 years ago (prologue)

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3 years ago(Prologue)

I hate my life. I hate my stupid-boring-nerdy-bookish-bullied-insulted-unfair-awful life.

That is it!

I am tired of what I hear every day: fat Kaitlyn, stupid Kaitlyn, worthless Kaitlyn, ugly Kaitlyn. I am not spending my high school here at Georgetown.

Never am I going to do that, not after surviving my middle school years. I graduated, finally.

 Don't worry, I'm not committing suicide or something like that. I'm just pointing out to you that being a loser sucks. Like totally

I stabbed the steak mom made for our dinner. Mom jumped out of her seat because I never do that. Steak was my favorite, well, all kinds of food were my favorite. So that is why I am fat, I eat anything.

"Mom, Dad," I gazed at them with much seriousness, "I..I want..no..I'm going to study at a boarding school."

And that was it, the sentence that changed my whole life.



This story may contain some unsaid words. There's bucket full of them. Sorry, but the story line and the characters are based on it. Can't help it .  But I'm still keeping it PG13 though. 

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