Chapter 21

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I have been doing quick and short chapters lately, oh well. this is better than nothing. Thank you for supporting this story. I really appreciate it.

Chapter 21

"I can't believe it's you Kait. You just look-" she gawks at me more, "more wow. Damn, no wonder.." she trails off, leaving me hanging. This time she whistles and I smile in return.


She cocks her head to one side, "What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I'm having dinner here with my family. You?" I ask her.

She nodded in reply, "I see.." her mind wanders off, staring at nothing, "I'm helping out on my Uncle's diner. You know, for summer. Temporarily," she said, gesturing the cashier. Now that she actually said it I realized she was wearing a uniform. She wore a red apron, shorts and a white shirt. A red bandana was over her hair which was in a bun.

She looked hot. No wonder.

"So, how's you and Kyle?" she asks, like it wasn't a big deal.

I stare at her and force a smile. "I just came back from boarding school. And I'm here for summer. You know, temporarily. Kyle is...okay and I'm okay, I guess. I don't know." I shrug off.

"Oh, I thought you're together now. He told me a few years back he went Europe to chase you so I assumed.." she pauses, noticing how my face had changed from awkward to surprised.


She bit her lip. "Based on your reaction, I'm guessing you didn't know?"

I shook my head in reply, "no, I definitely did not know of this."

She grabbed my arm, "Listen, Kait. Um, I'm sorry for what I did to you and Kyle. We don't have anything between us at all. Never have, never will. He loves you more than you think. We all know he's God's gift to women and he's flattered but he has you. You may not have that label or you aren't official but his heart..his heart is you. That guy would do anything just to protect you. You're one lucky girl Kaitlyn Hale."

I was in shock. My mouth was agape and unable to speak. I coughed a lot of times before I actually composed myself to speak. " you mean?"

She smirked in reply, "I guess you have to answer that yourself. I better get going, they're looking for me."

Suddenly she hugged me. "It was nice seeing you again Kait. Goodluck on you both."

And then she was away, leaving me shocked and clueless.

I went back to our table shocked and clueless but nevertheless, trying to put on a smile.

"Are you okay?" Belly asked then stuffed shrimp into her mouth once again.

I blinked a couple of times. "Yes. No. I mean, I guess?"

She laughed. "Okay, sure." I could tell she was unconvinced but my parents were around so she didn't push her luck.

"Babe you've got something on your mouth. See here," Keith exclaims, pointing on his own mouth.

Belly's eyes squint. "Yeah I know, its shrimp because I'm eating it."

Damn this girl was sarcastic. No wonder why Keither loves her.

He laughs in reply, and then gets his handkerchief. He wipes her face with it. "There, all clean."

She smiles at him sweetly, "Thanks K."

"Anything for you B."

"Awww, you guys are so sweet." My mom coos, feeling touched. Damn it, I guess I was too.

» » » » » » »

Our trip was cut short when Dad's phone was turned on. It was flooded with messages and missed calls—no surprise there—because there was an emergency at his office.

The trip back home was twice faster than the last one. Obviously, Dad was in a rush.

I guess that's how our life has always been—always a rush. There was so little time for family because our parents had always been so busy. They were always away. Sometimes I tend to forget how they look or what they are.

There was nothing I could do but understand. Business has always been part of the family. It's that family member that doesn't exist physically but it's there.

Dad had only dropped us off at home and mom had retired at her room. Keith, on the other hand, took Belly home. I went to my room to rest since it had been a tiring day after all.

I awoke with a buzzing sound on my bed. I left it alone, thinking it was probably Jackson again but after a few moments, it buzzed again. Since my curiosity had gotten the best of me, I took my phone and answered the call without even bothering to check out the caller.

"Kait? God, I thought you wouldn't answer." I glanced at the watch—11:47 pm.

"Kyle? Why are you calling at this hour?" I asked.

"You didn't see my note, then?" he asked and I felt noises behind the background. I might think he was scratching his neck.

I quirked my brow, "what note?"

He cussed but it wasn't loud as much. "Damn. The note is at your bedside table—the one where you usually place your phone. Do you see it?"

I quickly crawled towards my bedside table. I quickly found a folded pink note, probably as big as my hand.

"I got it."

I could feel Kyle smiling on the other line. "Yeah? Will read it then and answer me?" Then he dropped the call.

My hands studied the paper closely. It was a special scented paper, embroidered nicely. I opened it and the note had said: 

            Open up your window. I have a surprise –Kyle

I quickly went to my window and suddenly saw dozens of bouquet of flowers with Kyle standing at the center, smiling widely. 

Oh my God. 

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