Chapter 4

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C h a p t e r 4

I woke up at 6 o' clock in the morning. There was nothing to do, and since I couldn't go back to sleep again, I decided to take a nice long jog around town.

But I'm going to take my time though, so I'll probably be back later by 9 or 10 o' clock in the morning.

I know for sure that the house was going to be empty soon as I come back. Mom's going to her club or whatever that organization was called; Keith's attending some practices for football and next week probably he'll be at a football camp or something (most probably it involves girls) ; and Dad's at Los Angeles, having a meeting with his usual clients and will be back by next week, so yeah, I definitely, officially home alone.

I did what I usually do in the morning: I took a bath and changed my pj's to sweatpants and a loose shirt. And I tied my hair into a ponytail.

I didn't eat though, I might throw up the food that I ate but I drank water of course, lots of it. I couldn't live a day without water, I mean who doesn't? I could just buy on my way back anyway.

I brought my ipod and earphones and money, you know for emergencies and stuff. I stuffed it on the small pocket at my side, making sure it was deep enough so it wouldn't fall.

I immediately went out after I stretched to avoid injuries or any possibly sprain that could happen.

I jogged and observed around the places at the same time. It truly changed really, the town changed just in a few years after all.

Damn the technology.

The malls that used to be a two-floor mall had three floors more. But not only that, it also expanded twice as the usual size as it was before. It was amazing really, how things could change in just like a blink of an eye.

There was also a street wherein designer shops were located. Seriously, it's a nirvana for me. Name all the designer shops you want, it's all there from Chanel to Gucci to Prada.

I should take a mental note about that for shopping later.

Before I started to jog regularly, I always hated them. I mean, why waste my time jogging when food's more tempting? Trust me, food is more tempting than a hot guy with no shirt on.

But then when I started to jog it made me realize that it wasn't as boring and tiring as I thought it would be. It was fun, and I loved how the cool morning breeze greets me. It feels as if the world agrees with me, pacing and following me but couldn't chase nor stop me.

I felt free. I could think things through with a peaceful mind.

I couldn't run before. I was embarrassed how my belly shakes every time I run and how I could even breathe normally when I do. It always feels as if somebody's laughing at my misery, telling me how ugly I was that why on earth was I even related-a twin- rather of the hot, gorgeous, and famous Keither Hale. They think I don't deserve to be called a Hale at all because I was a nobody.

But eh, they're wrong.

Now I realized that people deserve to be who they are and what they are. It not about the family or the surname you carry, but it's about being you.

And that's what's important. Believe in yourself, not the lies and words people say about you because if you do, you'll start believing them too. And you'll never be who you truly are.

I might have realized that a little too late but at least I did. And in that discovery, I found who and what I want to be, not who I need to be.

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