Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

        The following day, Ky and I decided to spend our final hours in Georgia shopping around the state. We bought shirts that had cool prints that had the same print. Almost like a couple shirt except we weren’t a couple.

 We bought a handful of goodies like cookies, cakes and pies too. We made sure not to bring too much though, just a box each or two of each. I made sure to bring Keith a box of his favorite chocolate cake and strawberry shortcake for Belly.

In the time Belly and I spent together, I knew that she really had a thing for strawberries. Even her hair smelled like strawberries. Seriously.

We decided to spend our lunch at a small Italian bistro located near the shops that aligned the street. The place was small but even though, the line was quite long.

It took us about thirty minutes before we already had a table for two. Our stomachs were grumbling as we waited but from the smell of the pizza, I could tell we wouldn’t be disappointed and the thirty-minute wait was all worth it.

We both ordered the bistro’s special which had tons of cheese. As we waited for our orders to come, a blonde came in sight, waving cheerfully at Ky.

“Ky, hi!” she greeted cheerfully, her blue eyes sparkling.

I eyed her up and down, not a little too obvious of course. She was pretty-don’t get me wrong- but she assembled like a Barbie doll- humongous boobs and ass, fake nose, too red lips, and slim waist. Ew, fake.

“Hey Barbs!” Ky stood up to greet her.

Oh whadyaknow! Her name totally fits her right. Haha.

She tried to kiss him on the lips as Ky stood up but instead her kiss landed on his cheek. Ha, suck it up biatch.

“What are you doing here?” he asked her politely.

She waved her hand dismissively, “Duh, shopping of course! I just stopped by here because I saw you by the window of the shop and I’m like ‘I haven’t seen this guy since forever I should really stop by & say hi’ and he’ll probably ask me on another date and we’ll make out and have se-“

“Yeah. I totally get the point Barbs and actually I have my date right here,” he cut out and pointed over at me.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you had your cousin with you,” she said aghast.

What the actual f*ck did she just say? Oh no, she didn’t. I stood up and offered her a fake smile. “I’m Kaitlyn Hale and I’m so not his cousin. Btw, it’s so not nice to see you but hey, what are the odds,” I shrugged and slid my arm in Ky’s waist.

She looked taken aback, her mouth hanging wide open in shock. I smirked art her. Ha, take that bitch.

She plastered a fake smile and I was pretty sure she was embarrassed. “I should go now. Toodles,” she waved off.

I put on a victorious smile and glanced at Ky. Apparently he’d been staring at me for quite some time that once I glanced at him; he looked taken aback and didn’t have the time to awkwardly look around.

“Your ex?” I asked.

He shook his head, “No, just a hook up. It was a mistake.”

I knew they did something but why did it hurt the most when it came from him?

I gave him a tight-lipped smile, “Okay. Come on, let’s dig in. This smells heavenly.” I gestured at the overloaded cheesy pizza in front of us and grabbed a slice.

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