Chapter 3

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C h a p t e r 3

"Why in world are we in a resto bar?" I asked Keither as we stopped at some resto bar I didn't even know that existed.

I guess that happens when you've been gone for three years.

It must've been new since it was still unknown. Only a few people were heading towards it. Not likely the best resto bar in town.

I have to make a mental note about that.

"You'll see." He repliied, smirking.


We stopped at a resto bar called Rockley's.

Seriously, I never even knew that name existed but not until now.

I wondered why they named it Rockley's when it's all wood. The bar's structure was more of a log cabin but it's bigger that's for sure. I mean they should've named it Woodley's, if you know what I mean.

I gawk at the bar, studying it. You could actually see that they was so not environmental friendly.


The logs were so big that I think that each log was equal to one tree. It looked so... illegal.

It looked really old on the outside but when I went in with Keither it's definitely the opposite.

The bar was decorated with modern and disco lights, the walls were painted neutral for better outcomes. It was divided into subparts: a dance floor (yes,with a matching crystal disco ball),a bar where drinks were served, a playroom (billiards, and all those boy games) and seats where they take your orders.

The place had some kind of magic, some kind of aura I couldn't explain. There were no flirty girls that come from our year or our school, all girls were like 20 up or something.

Thank God for that.

I honestly think I like it here when I'm with my girlfriends to party and drink. I mean seriously, the place was full of hot, gorgeous guys.

I mean who would even say no to that?

But when you put it in a different way of yourself only (no friends included), it's totally different. You could feel like all the guys are staring at you, either angry that you've barged in at their territory or planning horny stuff on their minds.

Even thinking about it makes my skin crawl.

Keither smiles really big and nods at anybody he sees. They all tap his back, shake their hands, and do some fist bumping of their hands.

Conclusion: Keither goes here a lot.

We head to the playroom area, specifically the billiard tables where more guys gathered around.


"Sup' man." Some black guy approached Keither. He was a few feet taller than Keither, had a big and scary figure but his face was definitely friendly.

"Mac man,"so that's what his name is, "it's great to see you too." They both did some fist pumps and patting of their backs and a few good hilarious (to them) laughs.

Mac didn't notice me for a few ol' minutes but after both Keith and he broke apart, he lifted his eyebrow right at me.

"New girl? I thought you were serious about Joey," he talks to Keith with a slight amusement in his voice. A voice that says 'ohhh-you're-so-busted'.

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