Chapter 20

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A short chappie for all of u who's reading this. Lately, people have been commenting, voting and adding to this story on their libraries--which is why I've updated after so long. So thank you all so much for your loving support!

Chapter 20

I slept late last night, tossing and turning thinking about what Kyle said. He was right— it was too fast. My heart still felt a slight sting because what Jackson and I had was not something I could just forget. We had been together for years after all.

What I feel for Kyle was different from what I felt when I was with Jackson. Jackson was too good to be true. Kyle wasn't—he was unpredictable. He surprised me.

When I went down the stairs, I had heard voices —which felt unusual because the house was always quiet. Except the occasional shuffles of feet by the maids and guards who roamed around the house. I found my parents by the kitchen counter, laughing. Behind them was also Keither, laughing along with them.

When they had noticed me, they stopped and turned to me. "Kaitlyn!" my mother exclaimed, "come and join us."

"Yeah. Can you believe mom made breakfast?" Keith remarked, amazed.

I sat down at the table, looking weirdly at them. This had been the first time in years that we ate together and became a happy family. When we had dinner together, it had always been stiff, prim & proper, and boring.

"What's happening here?" I asked them.

My parents looked at each other and dad spoke up. "It's just that your mom and I had realized we haven't exactly bonded each other so we both took a day off and spend it with you kids."

I almost cringed at the word 'kids'. Instead, I nodded at them in reply.

Mom handed me the dishes she cooked. When I looked at it, they weren't burnt. Halleluiah!

"Are you sure you made these mom?" I quirked a brow.

"Of course honey. I took cooking lessons when you were away. I've been practicing for years and now finally they aren't burnt. So, surprise!" she exclaimed, looking excited and... happy.


I munched on my pancakes and they don't taste so bad. Happily, I munched on some more until I became full. My mom took this as a sign that I loved it so she heaved a sigh and smiled, looking proud.

I smiled at her. "They taste really good mom."

Dad suddenly laughed, "Of course they should taste great. I hired the best chef for her. It took him 2 years to teach her these and I paid him greatly. Though I knew he was getting impatient of your mother."

I laughed. I couldn't believe it. "2 years? Really, mom?"

Mom blushed, looking embarrassed.

"Did you know sis that mom made these a year ago and they taste really bad. They weren't even cooked and some were burnt. Dad and I had stomach aches for days and mom really felt guilty she stopped doing her practice," Keith laughingly said. He choked on his words so much, I almost couldn't understand him.

I laughed too, joining them. Laughter filled the room after so many years.

Finally, something I've been looking for –happiness.

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After breakfast, we all decided to take a short trip by the beach because mom wanted to have a "tan". Belly also tagged along with us, bringing a few sandwiches she made herself for the short trip.

Mom had ordered our cook to make us a couple of snacks to pack for the trip. She didn't want the cook to make us something for lunch or dinner because she told us she knew someone who offered the best shrimp dishes in town.

I sat by the back with Keith and Belly and dad drove the car while mom rode shotgun. It felt surreal, honestly. I wonder what my parents ate for them to do this.

Dad rented a small house for the day. He said he preferred it than just placing our stuff on the sand because it might get dirty. It was a two story house with two bathrooms and three bedrooms. Also, he said it was convenient so that if we couldn't make it to town back again that night, we could sleep there.

The place was really homey and clean too. The rooms were okay and the bed was really comfortable to sleep on. Thank God.

I bought about 3 bikini pairs because I love wearing them. Plus, I had options. Belly and I changed together. She wore a denim halter top and a black bottom while I wore my black off shoulder and black bottoms. Eventually, I couldn't wear the bikini alone as well as Belly too, because Keith told me it was "indecent" and guys eventually would look at us.

I rolled my eyes at him and argued with him. I mean, who doesn't wear swimwear on the beach anyway?  Plus, it wasn't a girl's fault if she wore something she wanted to wear and guys would be tempted or something.

In the end, I put on lace shorts and Belly wore a tank top and shorts that had lowered down Keith's possessiveness but had him slightly mad.


We headed straight away (after the argument, of course) to the beach. Of course we eventually got tired swimming, tanning, talking and playing so we took our lunch at the famous shrimp house in town. Truly it was indeed famous for there had been a line so long at their restaurant. It wasn't fancy but it was like that regular diner that had a really homey feeling to it.

Eventually we didn't get to line because Mom knew the owner—who was one of her many, many, many friends. I'm actually surprised my mom isn't into politics. I swear she could win it in a heartbeat.

A table for five was prepared for us near the window—mom's request. Mom said her friend couldn't come because she had other matters to do so this was what her friend offered.

I suddenly had the urge to pee so I went to the bathroom, excusing myself from my family while they took their orders.

Just when I was about to take a piss, I saw a very familiar face. She was just about to head out of the bathroom as I was about to go in. She was someone who looked like her—the reason why Kyle and I had separated years ago.

"Natalie?" I whispered, hoping it wasn't her.

No, no, it couldn't be her.

She looked up and gasped. "Kaitlyn?"

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