Chapter 24

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Dedicating this to everyone who's been putting up with me even if I update slowly. I love you all, seriously.

Chapter 24

The last time I had been at Rockley's was also the first time I was there. It was also the first time I saw Kyle again after all these years.

Since it was the establishment's 2nd anniversary, the place was decorated with more lights this time, with a live dj on front, wherein strings of people were gathered together.

The audience was thrice as many, and the place offered free beer and discounts on their alcoholic drinks.

I swarmed in throngs of men and women gathered around dancing, talking and laughing with Keith. Halfway through the dance floor, I lost sight of Keith as he was talking with his friends, and girls were surrounded their groups, taking their preys.

My eyes searched for someone else's figure, hoping to find them at Keith's table and came out disappointed. He wasn't there.

"Looking for me?" a voice behind my back and I turned around, smiling. Kyle wore a casual grey shirt, which hugs him at the right places, dark washed jeans and Dr.Martens. His hair, on the other hand was disheveled but sexy.

Trust me, I'm not bias.

He opened his arms, gesturing for me to hug him and I hugged him back as tightly as I could.

He kissed my temple and mumbled, "I miss you."

I smiled at his neck, hoping he wouldn't see how flushed I was, "I miss you too."

We both released each other and still, smiles were plastered on both of our faces. "Congratulations! Why didn't you tell me this was your club?" I asked.

His hands were in his pocket as he shrugged. "Well technically, it's not mine. It's dad's but I'm helping out the family business."

"What?" I squinted my eyes at him, trying to analyze what he was saying since the place was too loud for me to hear him. "I can't hear you!"

He smirked at this and held my hand, grasping my fingers in his warm (and much bigger) hand. "Let's get out of here."

As we went outside the place, our hands were still intertwined and music could still be heard from inside the place. We walked a little further, this time there were no cars anymore, no music. It was just the both of us.

Silence was shared between us for a few moments, and surprisingly a little while later, Kyle picked up a rock and stared at it. He smiled as he twisted it in his hands, seeming to enjoy the rough thing between his fingers. "When my dad asked me what I wanted to name the place, and I said 'Rockley's'."

He sighed and continued talking, "When you left, I almost died. Literally. I hiked up the mountain and the next thing I know, I was on the verge of dying, one hand holding on to a rock and the other lost as with my body because it slipped away."

I gasped, hands flying to my mouth in shock. "Kyle.."

He smiled at me softly, touching my hand as if he was saying that it was okay.

"And the last thing I remembered before I fell, was you. You and your smile. The laugh the send shivers to my spine and that first kiss we both shared on our date. Every moment, I remembered with you. And the next thing I opened my eye, I was in a white room with white walls." He laughed softly, almost as if he couldn't believe it.

"I woke up alive because of you. You are my rock, Kaitlyn Hale. You are my strength and my weakness. My kryptonite. When I close my eyes and see you with someone else, it hurts me so bad."

He wiped the tears that I haven't realized that were already falling. "I love you, okay? I know there will be times I will make you cry but baby, I'll replace it with more smiles and laughter. "

I smiled at him, wanting to kiss him so bad. But then I remembered how I was going back to Europe in a few days and that meant a long distance relationship, something that wouldn't work for both of us. He wasn't the committed type. I don't think my paranoia will ever stop if we're away from each other.

So instead, I kissed his cheek and left him standing there.


"Are you sure about this, Kait?" Keith asked, quirking his brow at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Why wouldn't I be?"

My eyes stared at the printer, waiting for my ticket to be printed. A few minutes ago, I had booked my flight back to London since it was almost time for school.

"Uh, because of Kyle?" He emphasized his name, making me feel guilty.

I looked at him as soon as the printer started to print my ticket. I shook my head. "I don't think I'm ready."

Keith walked over, asking me to scoot over for him to sit at my chair. "Aren't you just complicating things Kait? Why don't you just transfer back here anyway? This is home. This is our home, your home."

I sighed and shook my head, trying to hold back the tears. "I can't hurts so bad."

I closed my eyes, remembering the times when people picked on me, throwing their lunch on face, making me fall on my face, imprisoning me at the janitor's closet for hours. I go home with bruises that cannot be seen, scratches not even visible but deeply wounded me and scars that will never fade.

Keith never saw half of what people had done. Sure, I was different now but then I couldn't help but think of what will happen to me, again. I felt paranoid.

I felt hot heavy tears stream down my face as Keith immediately hugged me, comforting me. He held me as I cried, I know he couldn't exactly understand what it felt like but he was trying to. And that's what mattered.

He placed his cheek on the side of my head whispering, "if this is what you want, I will support you."

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