Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I took the plate away from Keith. “Hey! I was eating that,” he protested.

“How’d you know about that?” I asked, exasperated. I held the cake above my head and moved it around so that he wouldn’t get it.

“I won’t talk unless the cake back,” he said, crossing his arms like a kid. I sighed; he was as hard headed as I was.

Ky suddenly cleared his throat that caught both our attention, “I’m going to go now Kait. Mom’s been looking me and not to mention, shouting when I called her so goodbye. Bye Keith,” Ky bid off, heading outside. I didn’t have the chance to escort Ky outside since he already ran towards the door.

 I looked at Keither and glared at him. “I’ll give you the cake and heck, you could the whole cake upstairs if you want but please tell me how you found out about it,” I pleaded.

He exhaled, “Well, it was only a guess at first. I saw a hickey on your neck the second year you were in Europe while we were video chatting at Skype.” At this, my whole face turned beet red.

“A guy with you in backgrounds from your friends post- whom I admit I stalked for a day. Then my friends invited me on a ski trip in Europe which was a few miles from your school. Luckily that friend of mine had a sister who knew you and said you had a boyfriend named Jackson but you called him Kace. Oh, and I also went to your school one time and saw you.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “What the f*ck Keith? Does the word privacy even exist in your vocabulary?” I fumed.

He shrugged his shoulders like he hadn’t heard me get angry at him, “Sorry. You couldn’t exactly blame your twin brother for f*cking worrying,” he explained, wide eyed. “In fact, I should be awarded for being the most protective and the coolest twin brother of the f*cking century,” he roared, laughing.

I crossed my arms and glared at him, “It isn’t funny.”

“F*ck yeah it is,” he replied, laughing again.

I rolled my eyes at him, “I also bought strawberry shortcake for Belly. Give it to her, will you?”

He gasped, “You bought her cake? Is my old dorky sister back?” he teased.

I threw a grape at him- one that I was eating, “I was being nice, idiot. Besides, would you rather make me go back to what I once was? Fatty nerd loser Kait?” I reminded him.

He scowled and picked up the grape I threw at him. He twirled and observed the grape that lied between his fingers. “I like version of Kaitlyn Hale I see now way better but you know, no matter what or who you are, I’d still accept you. That’s what sibli-twins are for. We’re a family Kait-you and I,” he murmured, looking at me tenderly.

I smiled sadly at him. Keither always had the image of being cocky and arrogant but deep down he was really sweet.

“Thanks Keith. Belly is really lucky to have you,” I told him.

He smiled and shook his head slightly, “No, I’m the lucky one.”


Apparently, Keither decided he couldn’t wait to give Belly the stuff I brought for her so he left the house to go and see her the moment I handed him paper bags filled with souvenirs.

Or that was probably just an excuse to see her. Eh.

So now, I was home alone and decided to stay in my room. During the trip to Georgetown, I had switched off my cell phone since it was a vacation after all.

I decided to turn it on, and as soon as it lightened up, I saw a hundred of messages and missed calls. Mostly were from Kace.

‘Baby, I’m sorry.’

‘It’s a misunderstanding, what you saw. It isn’t what it looks like.’

‘Talk to me, please?’

‘Where are you? Am at your door right now.’

‘Open up.’

‘I know you’re mad but please just let me explain.’

‘Fine, I get it. I’ll give you some space and I’ll wait but please just let me explain.’

It was the right choice alright, turning off my phone. I knew at those times, I would itch to reply at him and in the end I would have done the wrong thing-taking him back.

M.K. Soni once said, ‘trust lies at the core of love; there can be no true love without trust.’ I trusted Kace with all my heart yet he betrayed it. How could I love someone back when there is no room for trust? How can I trust someone who has been betraying me behind my back?

Was I not enough for him? Was I not good enough?

Maybe I had some fault at some point in our relationship but it wasn’t exactly my fault either. He chose that path and it was his loss. He chose to live with the consequences.

A guy will always be a guy, that’s what they always say and yes, it might be said so many times but it is true. Kace was a good boyfriend, heck, a f*cking great one at that yet there were also times he asked me if we could do it. I always told him it was a big no because I wanted to wait for the right time.

I never knew when the right time was but I knew those moments weren’t it.

I didn’t even let him go through the whole base 3 experience either, maybe just a little tease on the upper part but I always stopped him whenever we went too far. He told me he respected me, turns out, he couldn’t keep his aching d**k in his pants, he went searching for another.

Well, f*ck him.

Deep down I knew I was still hurt, I mean it has only been less than a week. You couldn’t just forget a relationship that lasted for two years and a half in only less than a week.

I hated being down. I’ve been down so many times; I didn’t want to experience it over and over again. It was like picking up broken glass on the floor. It freaking hurts a lot.

Ah f*ck it, I’m getting a drink.

Then I went outside my house and drove to the bar. Time to get drunk again.



A short and boring update but we'll get to the exciting point soon, I promise. I haven't updated in quite a while because senior year's just eating up my time and also, I had experienced every writers problem- writer's block. dun dun dun. So, I'll try my best to finish this story before I go to college because this story has been going on for so long.

So, the cover on the side is made by @mylovefromthestar. Thanks for this girlie! I like it very much :)
and has anyone else seen the music video of Blank Space? Well if it's a no, then you HAVE to check it out. I love it! 

So, thanks again for your support :*


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