Chapter 19

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Dedicated to everyone, by everyone I mean YOU, of course. Y'all rock!!


Chapter 19

Kyle stayed with me until the next day. He held me in his arms as I slept. Truth be told, it was the most peaceful sleep I've ever had in years. It felt safe.

When I told him he was the one I want, he pulled me close and whispered, "I've waited for you for so long. You don't know how happy this makes me but I want you to think about it again until you're sure. For now, let's take it slow."

I knew he was right. It was still too fast and everything was still not in place. It's still so fucked up. He could've passed for a rebound if we became official now but then, he will never be a rebound to me. Fuck that 3 month rule.

But then again, love is worth the wait and I believe that Kyle is worth it.

 ● ● ● ●

When I opened my eyes, I squinted in sight for the light had seemed to reach my face. Smiling, I turned on my side to find the bed empty.

Kyle had left without even saying goodbye. I'll just call him later.

I had felt my stomach grumble all of the sudden so I decide to go downstairs. As I headed down, I heard soft voices down the kitchen.

"I knew from the beginning she'd choose you Ky. I'm practically the president of your team!" someone cheerfully said. I could probably say it was Keither's voice for sure. It was a wonder why he was up so early today. He obviously wasn't a morning person.

"Her choices are still open Keith. We aren't even official. I'm afraid that she might.." he trailed off and sighed, his voice seemed to be pained.

"Come back to him and realize that she's in love with Jackson?" Keith asked. There was no answer but I could tell that he probably nodded in response because Keither continued: "She won't. She's been so in love with you for so long and she hasn't stopped loving you."

"How could you tell then?" he asked.

"Instincts of course," Keith laughed which felt odd since there wasn't anything funny in what he had said.

"But what if-" Ky continued.

"Stop saying what if Kyle. I've been there before with Belly and those what ifs only fuck things up. Don't think about 'what-ifs', think about now. They're only called what-ifs for a reason. Don't let your mind mess up your heart."

"I won't let it happen again, I swear."

"Oh and Ky? Don't hurt my sister or I'll beat you up and give you a wedgie."

I rolled my eyes at Keith's warning. He might've a huge built and all but he was still a kid at heart. Ever the immature one, he is.

"Eavesdropping are we?" someone whispered in my ear. I jumped in surprise turning to Belly.

"What the hell?!" I shouted-almost anyway.

She laughed softly but I could tell she was holding it all in because if she did laugh loudly—of course—we'd be so dead. "If you would've seen your face, it was priceless, damn."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. It was still too early for her to visit unless...I don't even want to know.

"I slept here, duh." Seeing my surprised faced she added, "I didn't sleep with your brother for fuck's sake. I was drank quite a few shots and then I threw up and then I—"

I held a hand up, "I get it, Belly. I was just kidding."

She smiled at me. "Let's go?"


And then we headed to the kitchen.

 ● ● ● ●

"Seriously Keither, you make the worst breakfast ever," Belly remarked, eating her burnt toast. At least she ate it. I never dared.

"You wound me, babe."

I made a disgusted face, "Ew but I totally agree with Belly. You are the worst when it comes to cooking Keith. Even your coffee tastes bad."

Keith shot me an annoyed look and I stuck my tongue out in response.

"Anyway," Belly interjected, "thanks for the breakfast boys. At least Kyle was there to keep the house from burning. And you make really great pancakes. Kait is so lucky to have you."

"And Kait doesn't only have a pretty boy but also a cook! Jeez, Keith why can't you be one?" Belly blabbered off, munching happily on her pancakes.



She gave us a goofy smile, "Whoops."

 ● ● ● ●

After we finished breakfast, Keith and Belly left because he had to bring Belly back home or (according to him) her dad would have his balls even before he graduated.

Which had left Kyle and me to wash the dishes. Jerk.

In the end, I washed the dishes because I felt bad that Kyle had done the breakfast (which was supposed to be breakfast in bed anyway but I was already wide awake by the time he finished). He volunteered to wash the dishes but then I waved him off, reasoning "you'd done enough already. You're the guest, not me."

Since he couldn't really stay put I had him done clean the table instead because I didn't want him to feel 'sorry and helpless' (he said that not me). I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

Right now, we're walking towards his car, parked at the side of our front porch.

"So," we began.

We both shyly smiled. "You go first," he told me.

"Thank you. For everything, basically. You're my medicine. Thank you for being my shoulder, just-thank you. I know words aren't enough but then I just I really want you to know that I appreciate your presence. You mean so much to me Kyle. And I hope you're willing to wait for me because I'm also waiting for you. For that right time." I told him, holding both of his hands.

"Your turn?"

He smiled as he brushed a strand of hair that escaped from my face, "I will wait for you. I won't waste this chance again, ever. I won't let you go again."

"And I just want you to think about it again and to choose which makes you happy the most...even if it isn't with me," he said, looking straight into my eyes. He kissed me on my forehead and then left.

And I probably stood there long, stunned of what he had said. Tracing my fingers on the spot where he had kissed me.

We'll both wait..for the right time to come.

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