Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"One more of this please," I told the waiter, raising the empty shot. "Actually, screw it, make it two," I corrected, signaling two of my fingers.

I had been here at Rockley's for almost an hour where Keith had once brought me. I never knew much about here until tonight.

It was probably because seeing Ky had made me too nervous to think straight at that time.

It was only tonight that I knew the real reason why it only had a few people the last time I went here. It was because this was an exclusive bar here at Georgetown.

Eventually, it was a restaurant at morning and a bar at night. By the time I drove up here, I found a long line of people wanting to go inside. The all wore coats but still most girls had their ass and cleavage revealed despite the weather outside. There were also guys who smoked around the corner outside the place since they never allowed smoking inside.

It was a good thing before I took the long line Mac saw me and invited me in. Turns out, he was a VIP in Rockley's and one of the part owners too.

I knew drinking would never solve anything but what I knew that it makes you forget your broken heart. So now here I was, drinking my heart out.

"Kait," I heard a familiar voice call out. I shook my head out. I was probably too drunk that I'm already hallucinating. Oh well.

Just I was about to drink again, the bottle was taken off my hands. "Hey!" I protested.

I tried to take the bottle from the guy's hand when I looked at him and realized who he was. "Kyle?" I asked and then suddenly slapped my self, hoping that I was just hallucinating. As I blinked and opened my eyes again, I saw Kyle staring back at me and it turns out I probably wasn't hallucinating after all.

"You know," he started, "I have been looking everywhere for you. It was a good thing Mac called me and told me you were here at Rockley's. And then I find you here, drinking your heart out. Are you insane Kait? Drinking doesn't solve anything you know," he reminded me.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I know. So now, will you give back my beer?" I asked, annoyed.

He placed the beer out of reach from me. "No, in fact, I never giving it back to you. If you want to drink, call me or Keith to be with you so we could watch over you. Many people have accidents because of alcohol," he scolded, referring to the bottle of beer I was drinking.

I shot him a glare and defended, "Tss. You drink too."

"I'm a guy, sue me. Drinking is like, part of our nature or something," he explained, raising his hands up in surrender.

"I'm a guy, sue me. Drinking is like, part of our nature," I mimicked, "Does gender quality even exist in your vocabulary?" I asked, annoyed.

"It does but some things never change even after all these years."

"Reality check: change is inevitable," I told him, slurring my words slightly. I also suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. Damn, I really was drunk.

"Okay fine, you're right. But maybe this time the feeling's even deeper than before," he replied casually.

Was it just me or was he referring to something else?

"Are we even talking about the same thing?" I asked, laughing.

He smirked, "what do you think we're we talking about?"

I knitted my brows in confusion, "um- drinking and sh*t?" I guessed.

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