Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

It was already 3 in the afternoon when I got home. As expected, no one was home. Honestly, I don't think my house was what I called a home. Maybe before I thought it felt like it but as the years had gone by, days and great priceless memories spent inside the house became lesser and lesser. It became dull and boring.

I ate a tub of Ben and Jerry's chocolate therapy where Kyle and I bought before he brought me home. I was just about to dig on the second scoop when the bell rang. Thinking it was Kyle, I opened it. "Ky did you forget somet-?"

"So he's been the one keeping you up?" he asked venomously.

Realizing it was Kace in front of me, I sighed. "Jackson, hey."

"So it's Jackson now huh?" he asked with sarcasm.

"You've always been Jackson. There's no Kace anymore because there's no us. But if you want to be Kace again, go ahead and tell the one you had fucked recently because now I've realized she wasn't the only one you had sex with while we still were in a relationship." I burst out at him, knuckles turning white.

His eyes suddenly softened. "I don't love her. I love you." He even looked pained saying it.

I wanted to knock his head off with his answer. "Your answer's so overused, you ass. If you don't have anything else to say that makes sense, you can go now. Or better yet, fly back to London. I don't care anymore."

As I started to close the door he suddenly grabbed my hand. "Just please listen to me, Kait. Please?"

I sighed, "Let's take a walk at the garden."

My mom's garden was beautiful since it was well maintained. The flowers that decorated the whole placed bloomed beautifully. Jackson and I sat on the marble bench located in the middle of our garden. The atmosphere felt awkward and as I waited for him to speak, I stared at my shoes.

"I met Rosie at the airport. She sat beside me and shared a bit of talk too. She went for a vacation in Europe because she got heartbroken. She was drunk so she shared everything. After the plane landed, we parted off. A few hours after, I realized I had gotten my luggage switched so when I contacted the airline I rode in, they told me a girl also reported the same thing a few minutes before I called. So the airline gave me her number and happened."

I cried softly and when he tried to comfort me, I urged him to go on. "It happened all so fast Kait. One moment she said hi in bar we decided to meet and then the next we were in bed. I don't know. Maybe it was the alcohol or drinks we had."

"It was lust and I'm sorry but I can't turn back time. All I have is now. You're not the only one who's hurt these past days too Kait. I deeply regret what I've done. I won't promise you anything because promises will hurt you more. I've promised you a lot of things I've broke. I won't give you those anymore but what I'll give to you is this: the truth with no bullshits."

Then suddenly, he held both of my hands and looked at me in the eye. "Will give me a second chance to start over again?" he pleaded.

I hugged him tight, crying softly.

"I forgive you but it's a no." And then I slowly removed my hands from him.


"I heard you two talked."

Pulling the sheets away from my face, I saw Kyle looked worried. Ever since the talk I had with Kyle, I had been in bed all day crying. I cried myself to sleep.

I rubbed my eyes. "I thought I heard the door clicked. It's you and pizza." I softly laughed, trying to lighten up the mood.

He raised the boxes and drinks he held in his hand and smiled lightly. "It's dinner time already so I thought that maybe I'd drop these."

He went to the bed and sat down. "I know it still hurts but it'll never go away because you loved him once. Maybe you still do. But one day you'll wake up and realize that you won't love him as much anymore."

He smiled sadly, "I should go now. Eat those for me okay." He suddenly got up and went for the door.

"Kyle, wait!"

He looked back, "is there anything else you want?"

I bit my lip.


"What is it, then?" he asked.

It was now or never.




I had updated yey! after a year, this is it. I know it's a short chappie for the whole year I've been gone but I hope this works out for you. I'm still working on some plates but here am I. Anyway, i made sure to update this before the 1st day of 2016 ends (time check 11:08 in the PHL) because it's swerte (lucky). I've been so lucky this year. And the readers, comments and votes really made me feel overwhelmed. So thank you all! Cheers to 2016! Happy New Year!


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