Chapter 5

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Hey guys, this is a gift before September ends. 

 C h a p t e r   5

        I freeze, my body stiffening on my sit. I slowly placed my food down, to avoid choking because I easily choke.

But he can’t be here. Impossible. I mean, out of all the places in Georgetown, he chose to be here, at the bakery.

He could’ve just ignored me because it would certainly make things better and things less complicated.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he set foot on the smooth tiles of the bakery, going to where I sit and telling me ‘it’s fancy seeing you here, Kait.’

Shit crap.

Argh, this guy is just so… wrong. He couldn’t even give me a day off to calm down my nerves even just by the sight of him. He’s just too full of surprises, and I hate it.

I give him death glare, well, not literally, but I look down at the table, looking really pissed off he was here.

“Woah, chill there Kait. You look like you’re ready to kill someone.”

Hell yes, I’m so ready to kill you any second now, just wait. My consciousness as shouted angrily. I could imagine myself throwing tantrums like a little kid, throwing everything I see but know that what I was doing was not right.

He slid across the seat from me easily, never asking me if he could sit down or talk or something. I rolled my eyes and pretended to ignore him.

I eat back on the half uneaten bread then sipped the little that’s of left from the coffee.

Out of the corner of my eye, he leans slowly to me trying to get to get my attention.  I could clearly see the baby blue tee he was wearing that-which I may add- had clung to his body perfectly.

And it was not helping at all.

Oh God, I need to stop right now.

“Okay then,” he muttered under his breath.

He’s giving up. Good. I smile to myself. This wasn’t so hard at all, I mean this was way too easy. But who cares? As long as he wouldn’t dare to do it again, I won’t say anything at all. And I won’t even look at him.

“I miss you,” he said, with a slight force in his tone but there was something more in his voice. Some hidden meaning I was tempted to find out.

I choked on the drink I was currently sipped. Shit. He can’t be saying that now. Oh God, what am I going to say? I miss you too? Puh-lease like that would ever happen again.

Instead, I took the opportunity to not further embarrass myself by keeping my head up high as if nothing affected me at all.

“Why and what are you doing here anyway?” I asked angrily.

“Funny how that’s what I said to you the last time I saw you. Imagine the irony huh?” he chuckled at his joke, looking at me funny.

“Huh, typical,” I replied smugly, looking at him in the eye intensely-finally.

A long stretch of silence followed and him still not getting out of his seat.

“What happened to us Kait?” he asked seriously, searching my eyes for an answer. He almost looked as if he wanted to shake me, to force an answer from out of my mouth.

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