Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

        Do you ever have that feeling when you’re just nervous all of the sudden that your hands start to become clammy just because of those words?

In most cliché stories, I knew that it was ‘the famous breakup up line’. Kace wouldn’t breakup with me, right?

Oh god, oh god, oh god no. And then he’d say ‘it’s not you, it’s me’.

Oh man, I watch too much sappy and cliché movies but this is it. It’s now or never Kait.

Do it, do it,’ I chanted repeatedly.

I stood up from my chair, clearing my throat to get everyone’s attention. All of their merry conversations stopped, looking at me with curiosity in their eyes. Luckily, they all did so it wasn’t that hard as I thought it would be.

“Um, excuse me, I’m just going to go…outside to get some fresh air,” I said, giving them an embarrassed smile. I cleared my throat awkwardly when they just stared at me like I’d grown two heads, “just wanted to let you know in case…you know. Please, proceed to what you were doing before I had interrupted.”

“I’ll go with you,” Kace spoke up, wiping his chin before leaving.

“Uh-okay sure,” I replied.

Just before I even knew it, we were both walking side by side towards outside.


The Rivers’ garden was something worth to remember. It was beautiful, planted with imported white roses, lilies, and other beautiful flowers. It was neatly arranged and planned. Every plant was in their right place-nothing seemed wrong at all. Nothing.

You see, Mrs. Rivers was a fan of flowers- it was her hobby aside from doing charity works and stuff.

It was like the ones in movies, all too perfect, all too surreal. There were twinkling lights around the place, only lit at night. It was like stars that existed on earth.

The steps were made of some kind of expensive cobble stones, arranged like it was never even done intentionally; it was almost as if it was really originally there.

Actually, there wasn’t a pool outside the house but it was inside the house, at the rooftop but that’s another story.

Kace placed both of his hands in his pockets awkwardly, walking with me. “So,” he started but unfortunately, he couldn’t get a single word out of his mouth after that. He awkwardly cleared his throat again.

“I never knew you and Kyle were cousins,” I said, saving him from the awkward situation we were currently in. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him, but my mind just couldn’t say it. I was caught tongue-tied.

“Honestly, I never thought of telling you that. I mean, Kyle is my cousin but both of us aren’t even close but my brothers are. We used to hang out a lot with our cousins but when high school came, I just drifted apart from them.  I don’t know why I did but I guess that’s what puberty does to you.” He releases a soft chuckle, his eyes crinkled.

I didn’t know what to say or how I would reply to that so I just nodded stupidly and had let him continue his talking.

“I didn’t even know both of you are friends. Was it stupid of me to not even think of that? I mean it is a small town after all. Come to think of it, you both come from prominent families,” he said, combing his hair back. And I knew he was stressing out by that action alone.

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