Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The song was pretty amazing. You know like it's got that party feeling and you just want to dance your heart out.

It was pretty late, I know.

The boarding school didn't have any clubs but there was a club at the town. A few kilometers of driving (and escaping from the school) didn't hurt. I escaped from school with my usual group friends to go to the club.

Amanda, my best friend, was beside me dancing with some random guy while I was dancing with my boyfriend, Jackson. Some call him Jack but I call him Kace just right after we started to date back then.

Jackson was a pretty long name so sue me if I wanted to call him Kace. The explanation was pretty simple. The CK in Jackson was switched so it became KC. I thought KC was plain and boring so I added so an A and E so that's why.

Jackson was the school's soccer player. He's hot and handsome with ocean blue eyes, blond hair with brown and black streaks in it, and dimples that were deep, it made him look cuter.


Okay, this story is quite different. You know, bad girls are sent to the boarding school to be straighten out but mine's quite opposite.

I was a good girl who voluntarily went to a boarding school not to be straighten out but to curve a little. To be bad, to be young, wild and free. And that's what I am now after three years in high school: a wild-badass-sexy-naughty-bitchy child that my parents didn't even know about.

Okay, maybe the sexy part.


It is the first day of summer but I kinda asked mom for permission because I was 'sleeping over' to Amanda's place.

The school was open for the first few weeks of summer and we decided to stay instead. After that, maybe a trip to Caribbean with Amanda or a vacation to Jackson's beach house in Hawaii. I'll probably spend the last week or the last few days at home and make up some excuse.

Blah, that wouldn't even be a problem. They wouldn't even care, they wouldn't even know I'm still alive, breathing oxygen in my lungs.

Besides, it'll be so much better here at school than at home. Keither, my twin brother, would be boasting again about his football championships that they-scratch that- he won.

Mom and Dad would still be working nonstop or being too boring or being 'strict' parents. But they still do believe I'm a good kid-which I am not that much anymore- but that's still a good thing. All they think that I'm growing up.

*snort* Of course I am. I'm having the best time of my life here.

I wrap my arms around Jackson's neck when the song changed to slow dance. It was boring and mellow alright, but I still danced with him anyway. He places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him as the song goes on and on. I placed my head on his shoulder just as he places his head on my head. Suddenly his gaze was on my lips and I felt that we would be kissing soon. But something interrupted that very moment.

My cellphone.

I mouthed Kace a 'sorry' and stepped aside to get a better view of my phone. He did seem a bit angry about what happened but he nodded understanding. I checked the caller ID. It was mom alright.

Mom, you just ruin moments.

I place my phone back on the clutch I brought then returned again to dancing with Jackson. My phone rang again and again, making me really angry. I had no choice but to answer it.

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