Chapter 14

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[A/N] So, this is THE Geogia trip. I also added a photo of Forsyth Park in Georgia on the right to help you picture it out. 

Chapter 14  [ Georgia Trip Part II ]

        Apparently, Ky and I decided we were still tired after all. The coffee wasn’t just enough and neither were the doughnuts. I couldn’t exactly push Ky to tour me around early since it was a long drive and we sure both lacked sleep.

We stopped by the nearest hotel we found and later found out it was one of the best hotels in Georgia.

I guess it was pretty obvious once you’re inside. The floors were made of polished marble, and the walls had beautiful carvings on them. There was a red carpet that was rolled off at the center which by the end of it was the reception desk. The furnitures had a touch of red, beige, and gold- which were all elegant colors. It was a busy place, with men in their tux and brief cases in hand and women who wore designer-brand clothing.

A social class of women had a light chatter and whispers were exchanged by men.

Ky wasted no time heading towards the reception desk, and I discreetly followed behind him with bags in hand. It was then I noticed how Ky acted differently, he wasn’t as happy-go-lucky as he was a while ago but he walked with confidence, his head held high like the people surrounding him.

No one looked at us differently, like we were some kind of trash. An outsider, a nobody.

That’s the thing about rich people, it’s like they have a sixth sense for knowing people like them and people who are not.

We both smiled when we reached the reception desk. “Two suites please,” Ky said, offering the blonde perched on the desk. She was beautiful, with blonde hair, red lips, and all but she was obviously a fake.

See that? I have that sixth sense.

 She flirtatiously smiled and batted her eye lashes at Ky. Urgh, what a flirt.

“I’m sorry sir but we’re fully booked. There’s no room for two more suites,” she frowned at him, sadly.

“Oh wait, I’m sorry, did I two suites?” Ky asked, quirking his brow. The blonde nodded in reply. “I totally forgot she’s not my girlfriend anymore,” he murmured, looking at my direction. “Sorry babe,” he said with a wink.

Say what?

“Between you and me, she’s been saving her virtue in our years of being together. And now, she’s my wife so I think you know what that means right? Aren’t there any rooms left?” Ky asked again, sending his flirty smile.

Jeez, if I weren’t just tired, I would’ve knocked his head as many times as I could. And giving my virtue to him? The ef.

“Well, there one more left sir but it’s a standard room and it’s all we have left.”

Wait what? “A standard room? Like, just a small bed and all?” I asked. I hated standard rooms, those were the types of rooms that had the worst accommodation.

“Yes ma’am. A double room to be exactly,” she smiled at me evilly.

“Fine then. I’ll just go to an-“

“We’ll take it miss,” Ky said, handing her his credit card.

“Kyle? A standard room, you know I hate those,” I grumbled.

“Kait, it wouldn’t exactly matter if what room we’d take. We wouldn’t be there for the whole day anyway. Besides, I’m tired and I need some food and rest.”

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