Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

        Beaches, tanning and loads of sunscreen.

What’s that? The exact definition of summer. I mean seriously, summer will never be summer without these. Period.

So here I was, spending my Saturday in the beach. Okay, let me give you a picture: beach at my front view, sunscreen at my table, and me, tanning on the fluffy white towel. I had my Prada sunglasses on as I sipped my ultimate iced (I had someone put loads of ice) tea.

Finding a beach resort wasn’t hard since our family was a co-owner of the resort. Well technically, my dad does. But still.

And probably now you’re wondering where the hell I got all the money and there’s only one answer for that.

Credit card.

Yup, that piece of plastic definitely has been so useful to me. I quote ‘it’s like a fairy godmother’. It’s magic I tell you but I never overused that since dad limits me and ask for these receipts and explanations. It kinda sucks but it’s better than nothing right?

There was also this membership card where I get to be prioritized but I didn’t use it because even with or without the card, I still get to dip the pool. Besides, I didn’t want all the attention and all the panicking because their boss’s daughter was here.

Pft, I’m so not that mean.                                                   

The beach was kind of crowded since it’s free but the pool was a different story. You had to pay the pool and let me tell you something, it was something worth paying for. It was an infinity pool that over looked an amazing view and down below was the beach. You could see the sun rise and set, it was really amazing.

So, I stuck with pool. It was safe, not crowded and deep. Just my type.

Ever since I was a kid, I love swimming. It felt like you were something weightless, a feather maybe? And it made my seven year old dream come true-which was to be a mermaid.

I could remember when I was a kid when my dad had someone make (or rather forced since I was crying my eyeballs out after I saw Little Mermaid) this bra and green fins especially made for me. I wiggled around our pool and pretended to gracefully swim. But looking back, I seriously looked like a freaking seal with green fins. No wonder why Keither laughed so hard.

It made me shiver. I was seriously a weird kid.

I took off my white camisole, revealing my striped two piece bathing suit that I had received from Amy. We kind of had this tradition wherein we randomly shop clothes for one another when one shops alone. It’s like a sorry gift for not being there when one shops.

It’s weird but trust me, it’s super fun.

The pool was warm. It prickled my now- tanned skin. As I fully emerged down the warm pool, I felt myself relaxing. The hot water was massaging my aching body.

Oh God, nothing has ever been this great.

I swim around the pool, loving the warm sensation. I lean on the ledge, closing both of my eyes and relaxed but not until, a silhouette covered my face from the sun.

“Go away,” I murmur, shooing him and still not opening my eyes.

He still hasn’t moved away but I continued to ignore him.

After a couple of minutes, I felt warm water all over my face. I jerked and quickly opened my eyes, afraid that the silhouette might run away. The water dripped from my face as I looked at him.

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