Chapter 2

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C h a p t e r  2

        "Oh sweetie.." Mom hugs me tighter than Keith's bone-crushing hug. As I envelope in her arms, I caught a whiff of that expensive vanilla perfume of hers. I swear I couldn't even breath anymore after I smelled her.

"I miss you so much. If you only knew." She murmurs in my hair, squeezing me tightly, again. I roll my eyes at how much exaggerated her expression was.

Yeah right.

"Me.. too.. mom.. but.." I squeaked trying to catch a breath. After I said that, she immediately lets go of me and smiled. You know like the rich mom 'I'm so proud of you' fake smile for the show in movies.

Yep, she's that type.

You see I haven't been home since last spring break but it was almost as if I didn't come here at all. It always was in every school break we had.

And if I was home, only for about 2 or 4 day tops. I didn't even go out of the house.

The week wherein the longest vacation I ever had was when I was on my freshman year. It was on a Christmas break wherein I stayed home for a week.

But I had my reasons, I had to do some other stuff. I didn't want to bring back the old horrible-bad-awful memories I've spent here.

It was too much.

"It's just that you're not home. We haven't seen you since whenever that was!" Mom spreads her arms up in the air and laugh shakily. She looks at dad to signal him to do the same thing but dad only shook his head and continued to eat his peas.

"Mom, I was home last spring break. And," I make my voice higher for emphasis, "as I recall when I was here, you were not home because you were having tea with biscuits and shit with your friends or shopping or something that's more important than me."

Mom tried to say something but I cut her off by continuing. "Dad's not home too because he has work or if he has free time, he spends it on golf with his golf buddies."

"And I mean hey, Keith's not home too because he's having practice or hanging out with his friends."

Mom was speechless. She couldn't utter a word. Not because she never heard me talk back to her that much but because everything I said is true. Not a single word was a lie, everything was the truth.

That'll teach her.

"So that's why I'm not home. This home may be big n' luxurious but it's empty. It's lonely, it's cold, it's depressing and all that boring shit. When I'm here mom, nobody even notices me. I mean, who would even want that kind of life? No offense mom but could you just stop babbling about me not coming home because certainly you're not always home either." I wiped my mouth with the table cloth and murmured an 'excuse me' before I went to my room.

This was one of the main reasons I went to the boarding school. The thought that my family was putting all the blame on me, it sure weighs a lot.

They tell me why would I not go out with friends when I was a fat loser but hell now I'm doing the exact opposite and then they tell me why I'm not going home anymore?! That's dumb.

All I ever wanted was to be free, to be confident about being me, to loved and taken care of.

I banged the door loudly behind me. I knew it was useless because they still wouldn't hear the sound but I still did it anyway.

Not even once they appreciated me. All they cared about was the people around them.

School was a problem too, considering the bullies who bully me. They treated me as 'the punch bag loser'. It was the fact that I am a girl, I am human like them but they treated me like a cockroach.

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