Chapter 25

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So I want to say I'm sorry for being gone for months. School started just last month and I've been studying for weeks and having sleepless nights lately. Anyway, we're almost coming to an end. Thank you so much everyone for all your loving support. I wouldn't have done it without you. ☺️☺️☺️

- Juliane

Chapter 25

That night, I spent it bawling my eyes out until I passed out. The nightmares were back, crawling back and returning memories I never want to see again.

I woke up the next day, my eyes puffed from salty tears. Still, I tried my best to act as normal as possible. And thank God, concealers hid it.

Kyle texted me at 10, saying, be there at 11, love :)

Y? I replied, a minute after I got my text, trying to ignore the little flutter it gave me.

Lunch date. He quickly replied, not even a minute after I sent my text. A few seconds after, another text followed, And I don't accept no's either. Already heading out. Love you.

My heart ached a little at his message. Be safe, I texted. And scurried out to change my clothes.

My phone beeped and I hopped onto the bedside table where I had placed it as I dressed in my jeans.

Always, baby, always.


I don't remember being so giddy about a date. When Jackson asked me out on a date, it felt flattering to say at least. This was something different because it just feels so natural.

Kyle never told me what to wear so I decided to go casual, wearing high waisted ripped jeans and baby pink ribbed crop top. Thankfully when he had arrived he was wearing blue jeans and a light blue v neck shirt that hugged him tightly on the right places.

"Ready?" He asked, showing his pearly whites as he hopped off his red Lambo.

I nodded. When he reached me, he took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers together, fitting perfectly. Even when we both got to his car, he clasped our fingers again, not letting go. His hand felt warm, drawing tiny circles at the back of my wrist.

Our ride was silent, except the occasional hum to car's stereo. It wasn't awkward to say at least and I didn't mind it at all. All I felt was contentment.

His mere presence was enough for me.

For now, I don't need to think about tomorrow but now, with just him and me together.

The car halted at a small cafe a little farther away from the town. The place was filled with pastel colors; from its baby blue chairs to purple and pink tables and kitchen utensils. There were all sorts of paper origami hanging from its ceilings.

"Lee," someone called out from our backs. We turned to see an old woman approaching us, her hands spread out wide to hug the both of us. She smiled warmly at us and hugged Kyle first. I cocked an eyebrow at Kyle, confused. She turned to hug me next but I can't help feeling awkward but her hug felt genuine and warm, all the awkwardness fled.

"Grandma," Kyle introduced, pointing at the woman. "This is Kaitlyn Hale."

My brows knot up in confusion. I've met Kyle's grandmother before and she was definitely not her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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