Chapter 26

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"Nanna, what shoes are you wearing?"

"The beige loafers. They should already be out of the box."

Glancing around the fair-sized closet as I sat on the floor, I spotted the shoes in the corner.

Today I had court, for the second time in less than thirty days. Only this time I was going for something I had no idea of.

Killing someone? Not even if I wanted to. I wouldn't be able to stomach the shit.

The only thing that gave me a little confidence going in this courtroom today was the fact that I didn't do it but that still wasn't enough to take away the thought of getting life in prison because they'd found my phone in Shad's car.

Of course I knew why it was there and although it wasn't because I'd killed him or had a part in killing him, I was still being accused and possibly punished for someone else's wrongdoing.

The only thing I could do was pray and hope for the best when all of this is over though.

"Did you fin- Mielle, baby, why are you crying?" Nana spoke from the door of the closet.

Too lost in my wild thoughts, I hadn't even noticed that my face was now becoming stained of tears.

I'd cried countless times these past few days and I hated it because it only brought on a bigger headache and more stress for the people around me.

I'm scared of the outcome of this situation, needless to say, but it's also because I'm so tired of everything going downhill for me. Nothing good has come out of moving to California. I mean of course I had a great life, wealth wise because of my parents, but what does that matter when you're not happy?

I felt myself being pulled into someone's arms and by the scent of the Jean Paul cologne I knew it was my dad.

I instantly calmed down a little by his embrace and the soothing voice he used as he coached me to breathe.

"Talk to me," he spoke once I was tranquil enough to speak.

"I'm scared." I took a deep breath befote speaking again. "Pops, what if I go to jail? I'll never get to graduate high school or go to college. There's a possibility I'll be spending my eighteenth birthday in a jail cell. What if I have to get married in prison like Morello from Orange Is the New Black? I won't even be able to see you or the rest of my family everyday. And the food. It's probably the worst in that place. What w-"

"Alijah, slow down. Being pessimistic about this situation is only gonna cost you more worry and stress. Besides, I'm not paying Mark all of that money for nothing, baby girl. There was a case before this one that shows how your phone got there. Remember?" He explained, handing me a small pack of tissues from his pocket. "Let's make a bet. Not guilty, you give me your keys and ride the bus to school for a week. Guilty, I loose a child and put a 5 grand on your book every week."

Even though he was probably trying to brighten the mood, he only brought mine down even more, causing me to burst into tears once again.

"I'm playing, I have all of the faith in the world that God is gonna come through for us on this one and that's all we can really do right now. Have faith and pray about it. Although if we don't win this case I'm beating the beaver piss out of Mark." He referred to the new attorney someone had referred my dad to. I really wasn't concerned with any changes so I just left shit alone.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, which consisted of me trying to think positive about this whole court proceeding.

"Vertrouw me." Pops spoke, causing me to look up at him with a smile. It was Dutch for trust me, something he'd taught me when I was younger and he was teaching me how to swim.

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