Chapter 28

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Omniscient POV

5 hours and 17 minutes. Alijah had managed to keep up with the time she'd sat in the holding cell along with the three other women.

She'd learned one of them to go by Jenny, 19, in for robbing a local gas station. Dumb shit. Just like the fight she'd encountered in earlier.

The others were quiet for the most part, staying to themselves just as Alijah did. She wasn't in there to make friends or be buddy buddy with anyone. Hell, she wouldn't be there if it was up to her.

After dragging her out of the gym the guards placed her in the principal's office until two police came and escorted her from the premises of the school. In her opinion, it was unnecessary, she could've just been suspended or expelled but instead she was thrown in a cell.

Out of the three times Alijah had a chance to call someone, she'd only got one answer. Her parents were still in meetings for her dad's job, Selena was working until eleven tonight and her grandma wasn't answering. Aug had been the only dependable resource right now and he was going to bail her out and take her home. Only that had been about two hours ago.

The excruciating pain in her abdominal area that she'd been trying to ignore for the past hour was becoming to grow even more painful as she began to get up since floor was beginning to make her butt sore. She knew she was hungry since she'd only eaten a snack size bag of Doritos all day which was unusual for her.

Finally standing to her feet, she stretched before leaning against the wall with her arms wrapped around her abdomen. She was ready to get out that damn hell whole.

After a while the pain became unbearable, causing her legs to weaken and leave her sliding to the floor.

"Oh my God." She mumbled to herself as she slid back down to the floor. Even though the floor was disgusting, but it was the only open seat.

"Hey, you ok?" Jenny questioned as she peered at Alijah's twisted up face.

Alijah wanted to be a smart aleck to her question but she could only grunt from the pain she was suffering.

"Here's dinner. If you don't want to eat it, it's your choice. I don't care so don't try to reason with me." The guard spoke as she unlocked the cell with a tray of cold egg sandwiches in tow.

"Help me. Oh my God it hurts so bad!" Alijah wrenched as she rolled onto her back, clutching her stomach. The pain was becoming overpowering and even more unbearable.

"It's old. I've been working in this place for forty years." The woman spoke again as she slid the tray onto the floor of the cell.

She'd gotten the impression that Alijah was only trying to distract her and find excuse her way out of custody.

As she let out an anguish scream, Alijah's back formed an arch catching the guard's undivided attention. The lady frowned before noticing the puddle forming beneath Alijah and immediately paged someone to get an ambulance.


As August sat in the waiting room of the sheriff's department waiting for Alijah's arrival, he played Crossy Road. He was growing annoyed with the fact that it was taking forever for Alijah to come out and not being able to cross the river in the game worsened his aggravation.

He had been there for the past two hours and a half and Alijah had yet to show her face. August knew it was the deputies' doing though. They always fucked around when it came to the people that looked like him.

Someone calling him interrupted his game causing him to kiss his teeth.

"Yeah?" He answered the phone as Chris called him.

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