Chapter 2

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Alijah POV

"Will all passengers on the flight to Los Angeles, California please make their way to departure gate 25. your flight will be leaving shortly." The lady said over the intercom.

"I guess this is goodbye." I said to Amber and Trent as we pulled away from the group hug."I'm gonna miss you so much!" Amber sobbed pulling me into another hug.

"Amber don't make this harder than it already is." I said pulling away from the hug wiping away my tears. I looked over at Trent and he was just looking off into the distance.

"Trent!" I called out to him.

"Yeah?" He answered without as much as a glance.

I'd seen him shed one year but that's al he'd let anyone see. That tough shell was becoming soft for the kid.

I walked towards him and embraced him in a hug.

"Ima miss you Alli. Don't forget about us." he spoke squeezing me tight.

"I won't, I promise." I smiled as a few tears cascaded down my cheeks.

I'm happy I took the time to listen to what he had to say I'd been putting it off for a while now. I'm just so hurt that I'd taken so long to give him a chance.

"Stop wetting my shirt and go console your friend before she breaks down, yeah?" He smiled loosening his grip and gave my back an assuring rub.

"I can't. She's going to make me cry even more." I wiped my face of tears as I glanced at her as my mom consoled her. "Watch after her. I trust Dillon but I don't know what he's capable of."

"I got her. That's the homie."

"Alijah come on before we miss our flight." my dad called as they finished grabbing all of their belongings.

Amber neared us wiping away her tears as it was evident on her face that she was holding tears back.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." I smiled weakly at them."I love you guys!" I said kissing them both on their cheeks.

I gave Amber a quick hug, telling her to text me. She smiled weakly, agreeing.

As I began to walk away Amber called after me. I turned around ceasing my strut.

"Not goodbye, but see you later." She smiled that same miserable smile, hurting me so much.

"See you later." I called back mustering the most assuring smile possible at the moment.

I turned to catch up with my family, doing a small jog to meet their steady, fast paces. I trailed behind them only a few feet away. I waved at Amber and Trent for the last time for a while, hitching my carry-on bag up on my shoulder.


Once I got settled on the plane, I slouched in my seat and pulled my beats over my ears trying to think on the brighter side of moving out to LA.

Somebody tapped my shoulder and I looked up from my phone and it was Kensie.

"Yea?" I mumbled to her putting my earphones around my neck so I could hear her.

"Cheer up. All of us are leaving something behind but maybe this move will be better for us." she said smiling.

'Why the hell is she smiling. We're being dragged away from all that we know and the people we love for some wack ass job promotion!' I thought to myself.

"Yea you're right." I said looking back down at my phone. I didn't really mean it but I'd hate to argue with her right now. I was in no mood to do so.

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