Bad boy at camp - Calum

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"Are you fucking serious," you groaned you way down to the lake. They had just woken you up of the first day of summer camp and told you that your groups first activity would be kayaking. It was way to early to be anywhere near the water let alone on it and with your luck five minuets in you'd have capsized. "They are absolutely bloody delusional," you said to your friend walking next to you. She was still half asleep and wasn't awake enough to even reply. "Princess doesn't want to get her hair wet?" A boy from behind you mocked. It was Calum. Calum Hood. The camps designated 'Bad Boy' and all round trouble maker. "Oh, I'm sorry Calum you do know leather and water don't mix," you reply tugging on the leather jacket he was currently fashioning. "Ohhhh, princess gets defensive. Did I touch a nerve?" he asked. "I would never let you touch anything let alone a nerve," you replied quickening your step. You'd been here one evening and already this Calum kid was driving you around the bend. All the girls seamed to be obsessed with him but frankly take away the slightly attractive visage and you were left with an absolute cock jockey. "Right team. You will be put into paired for this task," the instructor, who looked like he'd just been plucked from the army, announced. The whole of the team burst into chatter as everyone tired to grab a partner. "I will assign the partners," he shouted. There was a groan from all of us. Let's face it no teen wants to be put in a boat with a random. "Lucy with Mia. Jake with Tali. Emma and Greg. Freddie and Charlotte. Tom and Georgia. And lastly Y/N and Calum," he shouted. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head. "You can't be fucking serious?" You said at the same time as Calum said "No shitting way,". You both folded your arms and stepped as far away as you could from each other. "The use of expletives will not be tolerated in this camp. You two. While we are all out on the late you will be cleaning the boat shed," he shouted at us. "But..." You both started. "If you say but again you'll be cleaning the wetsuit shed as well. Now get to it," he said practically marching off with the rest of the group falling behind bar you and Calum. "Now princess doesn't have to get her hair wet," Calum mocked. You pushed past him at storming over to the boat shed. It was a relatively posh camp but this shed was disgusting. It had cobwebs and mud and god knows what else. You filled up the black bucket out side with the water from the tap on the wall before picking up a sponge and walking inside to the dimly lit shed. "This is your fault you know," you said to Calum as you heard his foot steps enter the shed from the other door. "How is it my fault?" He asked beginning to clean the boat furthest away from you. "If you weren't such a dick I wouldn't have such a problem with you and we wouldn't be in this mess," you said starting to clean the first blue boat. "Well if you weren't such a princess I wouldn't have such a problem with you," he replied. "Are you serious?" You replied. "You know what I'm not gonna even help you clean," he said sitting down on the floor and dropping his sponge into his bucket of water. "Oh you better help," you reply. "Or what?" He asked raising an eyebrow. That's it you'd had enough. You dipped your sponge in your bucket of water a flung it at Calum. You heard a gasp as the ice water filled sponge hit him smack bag in the face. "That's it,"
He said taking off his jacket leaving him just in a white T-shirt. He picked up his sponge and mine and dipped them in his bucket of water. You realise what he's about to do and duck being the blue boat. The sponges missed. You smirk as you rise from behind the boat. He grinned at you still holding one sponge. He'd only thrown one. Today was not a good day to wear a white shirt and a pink bra. He threw the sponge at you hitting you right in the chest. You yelped picking up the bucket of water and flinging it over Calum. You busted out into laughter as his perfectly quiffed hair flopped down into his eyes. You pressed on the stitch what was forming on your left side from laughter. Calum held his bucket in his hand walking slowly towards you. You picked up the sponge that had hit you in the chest to arm yourself. "Please, Cal. No. Please," you chuckled. "Not getting out of his one," he laughed backing you slowly into a corner. Grabbing hold of his arms you said in between laughter "Calum. Come on. You know you're my favourite person,". He stood his head laughing and smiling. "Too little too late," he said throwing the water over you. Calum was in stitches laughing as you stood there in shock. Spitting the water out of you mouth you flipped the hair out of your face. "Your cute when your mad," he announced placing to hands either side of you. Undeniably, there was a spark between you two but you weren't gonna give in that easily. Calum closed his eyes and lent in for a kiss. When he was an inch away you lifted the sponge that you currently held in you left hand and smooched it on his head. With a gasp he pulled back. "Not that easy Hood," you smirked.

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