Friends? - Calum one shot

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"Oh my God Cal what are you on about?" you giggle down the phone to your best friend Calum. It was 10 at night and he had rung you talking about food or something, you really didn't know he was babbling. He had asked you to go over seeing as he was alone; you hadn't had to even think for a second before saying yes. You were half way to his house and still on the phone. The night was dark and gloomy with a chilly breeze now and again, honestly it felt like a scene out of a horror movie when someone gets killed. You tugged your pink sweater over your left hand clinging to the fabric."(Y/N) are you still there?" you heard Calum say, you had forgotten he was on the phone. "Oh, um, yeah, yeah, I’m still here don’t worry" you say trying to hid the fear in your voice. "(Y/N) are you ok?" Calum replied in a concerned tone. "yeah, it’s just a bit creepy that's all, I’m on your street now, I’ll see you in a minute, bye" you said hanging up the phone and shoving it into your back jean pocket. A strong gust of wind picked up sending a bone chilling shiver down your spine. You cover your free hand in the end of your sweater keeping your head down as much as you could. A boom of thunder appeared out of know where as hearty sized rain drops began to fall onto you. You only had about another 30 seconds walk until Calum’s house. You heard something behind you, footsteps? Glancing behind you, you see three boys all in black, hoods up. You quickly turn back and concentrate on walking, only 5 more houses now. "Hey princess, what's a pretty girl like you doing out alone at this time?" one of them shouted at you. Ignoring the comment but not the rapid thumping of your heart you began to count down the houses, 3 more now. "Hey, we just want to talk" another shouted. "We’ll take you home" he added. Your breathing was now rapid and heavy; they were only a house behind you now as you turned down the little path to Calum’s house. You knocked on the door; the boys were at the path. “we can get you dried off" another shouted as Calum opened the door, you didn't even bother saying hi, you just barged passed him pulling him with you into the house. The door slammed shut behind you. "(Y/N) you are not ok, please explain to me. Calum said wrapping his big strong arms around your little body, hugging you tightly. You breathed deeply, your whole body heaving in his arms, he didn’t seem to care that you were drenched right through. The familiar sent of Calum began to fill your nose making you feel safe, like now nothing could hurt you. "Did you know them?" he added. You shook your head. "Jesus, ok. Well let’s get you dried off and you can tell me what happened...that's if you want to" he said guiding you through the familiar route to his bed room. You sat down on the king sized bed, still in shock from the whole ordeal as Calum rummaged through his draw. He pulled out a short sleeved all time low top that you knew was his favourite and passed it to you. You began to strip off, not really bothered that Calum was in the room as he had seen you in a bikini may a time. You folded your jeans up placing them on his radiator before pulling at your sweater. It was heavy and you were struggling. "Cal-help-please" you said. Calum walked towards you held onto your sweater and pulled leaving you in your matching red undies that were kinda kinky, you hadn't planned the matching kinky undies but it just happened. You folded the sweater and placed it next to your jeans. Calum’s cheeks were pink making you giggle. "Cal you're blushing" you laugh as you pick up his top and pull it over your head. You were considerably shorter than Calum so his top fell to half way down your thigh. "Um yeah, sorry" Calum said blushing even more. You laughed swinging your arms around his neck. "Why were you blushing cal, you’ve seen me in my bikini loads of times" you say. "Um I don’t know" Calum said unconvincingly. You let your arms fall down to your sides. "Ok Hood, now let’s go get a cuppa and I’ll tell you about this" you say walking out the room swinging your hips jokingly making Calum laugh. Soon you were sitting in the kitchen with Calum after explaining the whole situation. "yeah if you haven’t guessed I’m not letting you walk home tonight so you're just gonna have to stay here with me" Calum winked. "Oh gosh how will I cope" you say jokingly making Calum laugh. There was a lull in the moment, not like the normal kind of lull you get; this one was awkward, surprisingly awkward. You couldn't understand why, then it hit you, it hit you like a ton of bricks, sexual tension. You had always liked Calum but settled for being his friend as you knew nothing was going to happen, but now it felt different. "Um (Y/N) I need to tell you something" Calum said as he began to blush again. "Yes Cal" you giggled nervously. "Um I really like you, like really, really like you" he said. "I’ve really, really liked you since the day I meet you. I-I think I’m in love with you" your breath way taken away, any words you wanted to form seemed to be stuck inside you head. "Shit" you heard Calum mutter. "I’m sorry I shouldn't have said anything" Calum said looking into his mug like it was the most exciting thing in the world. "Cal" you began. "No you don’t have to say anything" he said. "I want to" you took a deep breath. "Cal I’ve liked you since I’ve meet you, I never thought anything was going to happen, I thought you could do better than me so I never said anything" you admitted feeling incredibly embarrassed and vulnerable. "(Y/N) you’re all I could ever ask for and more" Calum said getting up from his seat and taking your hand. He was smiling the biggest smile you had ever seen him smile before. He leant down his beautiful eyes locking with yours, his soft lips meeting yours. One hand was on your waist the other on your cheek as your hands rummaged through his hair. The kiss that you had dreamt about and longed for, for years was even better than you would have dreamed it to be. You both pulled away smiling. "So what do you say we go and cuddle" Calum says. You nod in agreement. "Oh and you look incredibly hot in my shirt" Calum said smirking making you blush. 

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