Getting a pet

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Ashton: "what one do you want?" ashton asks you as you wonder around the pet shop. you and ashton were getting a puppy, you thought seeing as you had been together for wuite a while it would be a nice addition. "um i like the pomsky" you say after looking around the hole shop. "good thats the one i liked too" ashton says kissing your cheek. 

Calum: "are you sure you like this one too?" you ask calum as he held the kitten you were about to buy togetehr. it was a taby cat, it was white and brown. "yes i'm positive babe" claum said placing the kitten back down in the pen. "I'll just get the documents for you"  the lady said walking away to get the papers. calum kissed your cheek and squeezes your side. 

Luke: "Bruno" luke calls to your new puppy that you had just left out of the cage you had use to get him home. you had bought a golden labrador and luke had named it bruno. you sat next to luke on the floor as the puppy ran across the room and towards luke. he jumped onto lukes lap bitting and playing with his hand. 

Michael: "Mikey seriously i think we should get a fish because lets be honest if we get anything else it will probably die" you say honestly to michael. he laughs. "okay that's true, can we get two fishes then and name them nemo and dory please" michael says. "yeah that sounds like a plan" you say as you and michael wonder off around the shop to find the exact fishes from finding nemo. 

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