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Ashton: "come on (Y/N) you need a break or your brain will be fried" Ashton said. He was lying on your bed as you were doing your French course work. "Ash I need to do well in this seeping assessment" you reply. "Babe you sound hot when you speak French they will pass you. Now chill and come join me for five minutes on le lit" Ashton said in a French ascent. "Très bien" you say flopping on the bed next to him. "See your sexy when you speak French" he says as he began to kiss you. Your lips moved in sync as his body hovered over yours. Your hands moved to his hair and the back of his neck. You pulled him down so your bodies were pressed together. Ashton's lips moved to your neck sucking and biting on it making you moan slightly. "We’re gonna be a bit longer than five minutes" Ashton said winking. 

Calum: "Calum get back here now" you said standing on his lawn drenched with water after he had poured a bucket of water over your head. Calum had run off like a little child down the grass. "Cal I’m gonna get you for that" you scream running after him. You got to the bottom of the lawn where there was a shed. "Cal if you jump out at me or throw more water on me I’m gonna kill you" you said slowly stepping around the corner. Calum grabbed you pressing you up against the wall of the shed kissing you passionately. Despite the shock you got into it immediately running your hand wildly through his hair as his warm skin pressed against yours. "Does this mean I can tell the boys I got you wet" he winks. 

Luke: "I miss you so much" Luke says as he picks you up into his arms. Kissing you quickly on the lips before hugging you. He had been away on tour for 3 months. Obviously you had Skype and things but it wasn’t the same. "I’ve miss you to" you say clinging onto him. "Can I kiss you?" Luke asked. It seemed like a stupid question to ask but you knew Luke was worried about all the press around. "Yes, please do" you said. He smiled even more than he was before placing a hand on your cheek, the other on your waist. Your hands were around his neck and in his hair. Within seconds the kiss began to get heated. No one ever kiss you like Luke did. He was tender yet aggressive. Passionate but intense. Every kiss, ever second of ever kiss made you feel like you had a million butterflies in your tummy and there was electricity in your veins. Your body were moving and heaving in sync. "Can we take this home" you say. Luke nodded putting you down and taking your hand. 

Michael: Your lips moved with Michael as his body pressed against yours. You and Michael were watching a movie but none of you had been too interested and you had ended up making out on the sofa. "Mikey top off now" you said in-between kisses as you pulled on his top. In one swift movement it was off and on the floor. You did the same. Michael eyes wondered your body. You smirked before his lips came crashing down on yours again. You pulled lightly on his hair causing a low growl to escape his throat. You smiled against his lips before tugging on his belt. Soon that was on the floor too. He began to suck and nibble of your neck making your moan slightly. You hear a click but ignored it. "We're hom-" you hear Ashton shout. You and Michael break apart both looking at the door. All the boys were standing in the door way staring at you and Michael. "Jesus Michael, (Y/N) not on the sofa" Calum said. "Fuck off Calum" Michael said as he tried to hide the fact you weren’t wearing a top."Get in their mate sorry for intruding we'll be out the back" Ashton said winking. "Umm sorry" Luke said getting rather embarrassed. "Do you want to take this up stairs or did that just ruin everything" Michael said. "Up stares, now" you say. 

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