Luke leaving for tour - personal one shot for Savannah

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You lay in Luke's bed cuddling into his chests. Your hand rubbed up and down his chest. You were cherishing the feel off his skin as you wouldn't have that feeling for 5 months. Luke was leaving for tour. It was 1 in the morning, you both sat there not speaking. The silence was uncomfortable it was pleasant. "Luke" you perk up. "Yes Sav?" he asks. Even in the dark you could see his blue eyes looking down onto you. "I don't want you to leave" you say trying to hold back the tears burning your throat and eyes. "I don’t want to leave you either" he said kissing your head. "I love you" he adds. "I love you too" you say back into his chest. You couldn't sleep but you still closed your eyes taking in the sound of his heart beating, the rise of his chest as he took a breath and his sent. You didn't fall asleep at all, Luke may have you didn't think so but you'd been up for 20 hours straight by the time everyone was ready to leave for the airport. You all bundled into the car. You did your seat belt up and Luke intertwined his fingers with yours. "Honey I don’t mean to sound rude but did either of you sleep last night?" Liz asked as you car started. "No we didn't" Luke said. "Well try and get some rest on the plane. Savannah I’ll make sure you get some rest when we get back" Liz said. "Thank you" you smile. You loved Liz she took care of you like you were one of her own. You road in the car for an hour until you got to the airport, you did partake in the conversation but everyone could tell you weren't your usual self. You pulled up at the air port and walked into the ticket area. Ashton, Calum and Michael's families were already there and they were saying their good buys in line. You went to join all of them. You gave Ashton, Michael then Calum a hug each of them told you that they would keep an eye on Luke for you. You were the last person to say goodbye to Luke. You draped your arms around his neck as his head was buried in the crook of your neck as your hand ran through his soft blond hair. Your hug lasted about five minutes by the end of it there were tears in both of your eyes. You pulled away. "I love you" you say. "I love you too" Luke said back smiling before pulling you into a kiss. The kiss was broken up by Michael who said you needed to get on the plane. "Hey, hey don't cry you’re gonna set me off" Luke laughs making you laugh. "I’ll ring you whenever I can" Luke said kissing you again softly. "I love you" he said again. "I love you too" you say back as he walks away with the rest of his band mates. You go and walk back to Luke’s family. Liz hugs you, she was also crying. "Stop being so soppy you’re gonna make me cry" Luke’s older brother said making you laugh. 

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