One of the boys text you about him

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Ashton: you were scrolling through your instagram feed when a text from Michael popped up. You clicked on it. "You need to desexually frustrate your boyfriend he's getting a bit frisky with my guitar; I think he wants it to be you ;)" Michael text sending a picture with the text. Ashton had the guitar pressed against his body and it looked like he was trying to make out with it. You giggled. 

Calum: you had been waiting around the house all day for a text from the boys to tell you what time their flight was getting in. you were just thinking they weren’t going to text you when you got a text of Ashton. "Hey, our flight gets in at 5 we're about to leave now, look how happy Cal is to see you." Ashton said with an attached video file that sent you to their keek. You clicked on it "we're going home" Ashton said form behind the camera. Calum was in front of the camera jumping up and down with the biggest smile on his face. "Who are we gonna see today Cal?" Ashton asked. "(Y/N)" Calum says enthusiastically. 

Luke: your phone buzzed in your pocket. You took your phone out to check who it was. It was Calum. "(Y/N), Luke is being sad a mopey come to the studio he needs to see now" you laugh to yourself and begin to text Calum back. "Tell the little muffin I’m on my way ;)" you say smiling to yourself and grabbing your car keys. 

Michael: you were snuggling in bed about to go to sleep. Your eyes were nearly closed when your phone buzzed on the side making you whole body jump in surprise. You rolled over grunting and picking up your phone. It was Luke. "Michael missing you so much, he's taken Mr Penguin as his cuddle buddy, I had to fight him off". He says he misses you and he loves you" Luke's text read. There was a photo of Michael curled up on the sofa cuddling Luke’s penguin looking quite down. "Tell him I love him and god damn Luke Mr penguin ;)"

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