Your brother's in ATL - Michael

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"Morning," a sleepy Michael groaned as you snaking his arms around your body under the warm covers. His lips rested in the crock of your neck as you snuggled down. You could feel his smile on your skin. "You're a very happy bunny this morning," you questioned. "I get to wake up to you in my bed and that's the best thing ever," he said in his happy tone kissing your neck. "You know it's been a year and still know one knows about us," you say to him. "I think we do a pretty good job of this secret thing," Michael said. "I think we do Mr Clifford," you reply happily. You and Michael had been dating for just over a year and still no one knew. Not even his band or your brother. You didn't want to risk it getting out. "I'm going to make us some pancakes and bacon," you announce trying to slip out of bed. Michael's grip tightened around your waist. "Noooo, don't leave," Michael groaned. "Think of the food Mikey," You joked. "I do like food. You better be back. Five months on tour. We need to make up for that time!" He shouted as you slipped on one of his tops. You smirked to yourself as you walked out of the room. "You've got a cute butt," he yelled making you laugh as you walked down the stairs. Michael truly did make you happy and although you didn't see him a lot he always made up
for it when you did. You trusted him completely hence why you found the long distance thing not so bad, bar the fact you didn't have him physically with you. You wanted to tell people about your relationship but frankly it was too much of a risk. The press will say anything to get into your head and make you paranoid about the relationship. Also Michael wanted to protect you. He didn't want you going out to the shops to get milk and having to hide from paps. You whipped up the bacon and pancake before popping the kettle on. You put the food on a tray and took it up to your bedroom. "Here you go. Pancakes and bacon for my rockstar," you mocked. "Who's the best girlfriend? You're the best girlfriend," he smiled. "I've just got to get the coffee," you say walking out of the room. "Don't eat my bacon," you shout to Michael. The kettle flicked off as you entered the kitchen. You poorer the water then the milk into the cups before mixing. "Hello," you heard a familiar voice call. It was Alex. Shit. Your brother Alex was on tour at the moment and not meant to be back for weeks. All you could think was thank god you put knickers on. "Alex!" You call. "Where are you?" He asked. "In the kitchen!" You call. Seconds later he entered the kitchen with a big smile on his face. You ran and hugged him smiling. As much as you where shitting bricks because he may find Michael you were also very happy to see him. "How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm doing really good thank you. I didn't think you'd be back for weeks," you replied. "I made them do a quick detour just to surprised you. Who've you got here?" He questioned harmlessly. " one," you answer. "You've got two cups of coffee," he said back. "I just really like coffee," you say trying to think of an excuse. "Hold on a second I know that T-shit. I recognise it," he said. Your eyes widened and your brain went into panic mode. "It's a very popular t-shirt," you say. "Y/N," he said warningly. "Alex," you reply jokingly. "You can't pull a fast one on me. Where the fuck is Michael?" He asked. Shit. "Michael who?" You question pulling your best confused face. "Michael Gordon Clifford, you better run," Alex shouted practically running through the house. You ran after him through the house as he looked in each room. He took the stairs three at a time and you knew he was pissed. "There is no one here," you say trying to calm him down. "Michael. When I find you I'm going to kick you in the balls so hard your voice is going to be like it was when you were nine!" He screamed. He made his was into your room where he saw your clothes thrown around the room. Not Michaels. "See I told you," you say happily. "Sorry. Just went into over protective big brother mode," Alex said his chest moving rapidly. "It's okay," you reply. Just at that moment when you thought the coast was clear a sneeze came from you closet. Alex's eyes widened as he slowly stepped over to the closet. He pulled the handles open to revel a curled up Michael Clifford in just his underwear. "MICHAEL!" He screamed. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU VIOLATE MY LITTLE SISTER! HOW DARE YOU WRITE SONGS ABOUT HOW HOT SHE IS YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

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