My best friends brother - Calum

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"Well don't you look lovely," your best friend Lia says to you as you walk into the venue. "Why thank you. So do you," you say with a twirl. You had just arrived to the fundraising ball for your parents work. It was a annual Galla and was extremely extravagant. Every year topped the last, never failing to blow you away. "Now. Let's go hunt out some fitties," Lia says taking your arm and heading into the ballroom. You knew the evening would be full of dull conversations about school and your future, as it always is at these things, but on the up side there would be cute guys. After strolling around the event for one too many awkward small talk conversations you decided it was time to hit the booze. "I'll meet you outside in 15," you say to Lia. She nodded before walking off into the crowd. For these kind of events you always knew where to hide your own supply of booze. Sneak it in in your clutch hide it away and then when you want some it's all yours. Your special hiding place was the upstairs maintenance closet. Obviously there would be no one in there until the halls was over and the people attending would never be caught anywhere near a maintenance closet. See, the perfect spot. You dashed up the wooden banister sneakily (even though the chance of someone noticing you were very slim due to the volume of alcohol being consumed) you heard the buzz of voices and the sound of classical music slowly and gradually recede. The air was cooler and the smell of channel perfume was much more dull to your nose. Striding along a long corridor you came to it the maintenance closet. You reached for the handle but it already lurched forwards. Suddenly, you were yanked into the dark boxlike room. It was practically pitch black in there and your eyes didn't seam to be adjusting. There was a snap of a switch and the tiny up shaded light above you turned on. In front of you stood a very startled Calum. "Calum," you protested. "Shhhuuuu," he said placing a finger over your lips. "You need to be quiet. There is someone else on the floor," he added in a whisper. Calum was Lia's older brother who you knew very well. He rarely came to events like these but you expected that he was forced to. He was all suited up and, to be honest, looked fine as hell. Your bodies were so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body. "What are you doing in here?" You asked confused. "Just thought I'd mop some floors. What do you think Y/N? Exactly the same as you," he said sarcastically. "Alright smart arse," you joked. "What did you say about my arse," he smirked. You raised your eyebrow at him, shaking you head. "You would have been disappointed in me if I hadn't have made a arse joke," he added. It was true it was the typical Calum thing to do. "Do you mind. Your arse is actually in the way of my vodka," you add snakily. "I'm surprised with you Y/N," Calum admitted. "Excuse me?" You asked reaching behind Calum to reach your vodka. "I didn't think you were a smuggler or an alcohol drinker," he said. "Well, there is a lot you don't know about me," you reply; still trying to reach the bottle. "Was than meant to be as sexual as I took it," he smirked. "Oh, shut up," you said playfully snacking his chest. "Make me," he said. Next thing you knew you were making out with Calum Hood. Chests pressed together. Lips pressed together. It was rather surprising seeing as no alcohol had been consumed on either of your parts but it was also extremely exhilarating. You heard a click and a creek before a very familiar voice utter the words "when I said find us some fitties I did not mean my brother!"

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