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Ashton: "yes mum we'll be fine" Ashton says as he showed his parents out of the door. You and Ashton were babysitting his little brother; his little sister was already out at a friend’s house. You heard the car pull out of the drive. "Ash, (Y/N) come and play Xbox with me" harry said with a big grin on his face. "Dude you have like an hour and a half till bed so an hour of this" Ashton said. Harry nodded running into the living room. You sat down and harry handed you and Ash a controller. He put on a game that you had never played before. "You’re gonna have to teach me" you say confused. "You have to run and kill things. The left side is where you run and the other how you kill" harry said. "Okay I think I’ve got this" you say back. You played the game for the hour, you got better the more you played it but you were still pretty lousy. "Ash please teach (Y/N) how to play this game, I would but I have to go to bed now" harry said putting the controller down. "Alright mate I will" Ashton said scuffling his hair. "Night (Y/N)" harry said. "Night harry" you say back as harry runs up the stairs. 

Calum: "yeah that's fine Mr and Mrs Havy" Calum said. He was babysitting and asked you to join as he usually was there until about 1 in the morning. He shut the door behind them. The couple owned a little girl what was good for you as you knew how to act with little girls. You walked back into the room where their little girl was. "Megan this is (Y/N)" Calum said. "You’re very pretty, Cal is this your princess you always tell me about?" she asked. "It is" Calum said making you blush. "She’s very pretty" she said. "I think you're very pretty too" you say. "I like your hair would you do it for me?" she asked. "Sure" you say. "We need your brush some bobbles and some hair pins" you say. "I know where they are I’ll go and get them" she said running happily off. "You’re good with her" Calum says. "It’s because I’m a girl cal" you wink. Megan soon comes back with all the things you need. You start to do a French brade with a pinned up fridge on her long blonde hair. Soon it was done. "I look like a princess" she said twirling round. "You do" Calum said. "Cal take a photo for mum and dad" she said Calum did so before taking her up to bed. 

Luke: You and Luke had just put your little brother to bed after a very hectic night. You both flopped down on the sofa exhausted. "I told you he'd be a handful" you say. "Lucky you had me there then" Luke winked. "You are my little angel" you say kissing him gently. You snuggled into Luke’s chest pulling a blanket over you both and turning on the telly. Soon you were both fast asleep on the sofa. 

Michael: "Laura do you wanna do Michael’s hair?" you asked to the little girl you and Michael were babysitting. She nodded. You both went and got the hair stuff before coming back. Michael being the little sweetheart he was let you. Soon there were bobbles and clips in his hair. Bits sticking up and bits that was somehow sparkly. "You look beautiful Mikey" she said. "Michael looked in the camera on his phone. "I do thank you" Michael said. "Do you want to take a photo (Y/N)?" Michael asked you nodded before doing so. You all giggled. 

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